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Daily Horoscopes....


11/13/2010Aries:You don't want to wait much longer because you think that you've been patient long enough. You aren't quite ready to initiate your plan today, but in your mind you have already escaped from the starting gate and are running the race. It's crucial now to pay attention to the differences between what you want and what you already have, but it's not yet time to bridge the gap. Taking action too soon can lessen your chances of success.Taurus:Approaching your chores pragmatically is usually easy for you, but you may be too idealistic now for your own good. You can maintain a positive attitude even if nothing appears quite as wonderful as you wish. Still, there might be exciting developments that give you reason to raise your hopes. Nevertheless, don't allow your expectations to grow out of hand; believing in unrealistic dreams can set you up for a major disappointment.Gemini:You've been feeling somber recently, wondering about the complexity of your relationships and how you can reach satisfaction without upsetting your routine. It's no fun being stuck, unable to figure out how to reach your next destination. Thankfully, your spirits lift today because you feel a bit of movement within your imagination -- and this allows you to clarify your plans for the future.Cancer:You may feel anxious today because you can sense that someone isn't being totally open and honest with you. You think you know everything there is to know about a close friend, but then you start to notice things that don't make sense. You might not know if you should disbelieve your recent perceptions or your previous assumptions. Don't force an answer; the rest of the story will be revealed in time.Leo:The partnership dance increases in intensity now that the Moon is traveling through your 7th House of Partners. It's challenging to be close to someone if it feels like he or she is pulling away from you. The truth is that your current insecurity can widen the apparent gulf between you and others. Give them the space they need to define who they are without falling into the trap of interpreting their desire for independence as a personal rejection. Ultimately, the time apart can strengthen the bond you already share.Virgo:It's time to get busy, but running errands may not unfold today as you imagined. Projects that you began over the past few days can take a surprising turn, so it's critical to stay as flexible as you can now. You may need to come up with a fresh approach if your current strategy doesn't work. You could be tempted to lean heavily on your analytical skills, but don't be afraid to do what feels right, without trying to justify your actions.Libra:You are running on a creative high today, but you still must give yourself permission to leave your regular chores undone for now. Thankfully, you are able to get away with spending more time on self-expression, but you may not have enough money to get the things that you want. Remember, this isn't an all-or-nothing proposition. Small, determined steps are better than uncommitted giant steps.Scorpio:You probably have your work cut out for you as you try to fulfill all the promises you made. Nevertheless, you also need to take some downtime for yourself. This is not about self-indulgent withdrawal; rather, you need to reclaim your center and plant yourself back on the ground or you won't be able to feel good about where things stand. Once you pull in your energy and define your boundaries, you should be ready for another round of worldly engagement.Sagittarius:It's easier for you to follow your own schedule today than to conform to someone else's. However, you're not free of commitments; it's just that you'll be able to take a bit more responsibility for what happens, without feeling like your style is being cramped. Take advantage of your additional elbowroom, but don't abuse your freedom or it will vanish quicker than it appeared.Capricorn:Express your creativity with confidence today, or whatever you start might not achieve full potential. You can increase your chances for success by putting your personal stamp on everything you do, so it doesn't appear the same as everyone else's. On the other side of the coin, it's also important that you don't overdo your originality because doing things too differently makes others feel uncomfortable.Aquarius:You may not be able to decide how you feel today, because your emotions shift from one extreme to the other now that the Moon is back in your sign. Your anticipation of what's next gives way to fear of change. Those close to you may not be able to keep up with your fluctuating moods, so it's a smart strategy to turn down the volume on your intensity for a while. It will be easier to share your perspective once things settle down.Pisces:You may be performing a balancing act as you try to live up to other people's expectations while still remaining true to yourself. Unfortunately, it's more difficult to do what you're supposed to do if it isn't what you feel. Listen to your inner voice, but don't make any long lasting commitments. You still have time before you must make a final decision.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/14/2010  Enjoy:Aries:You are being pulled in opposite directions today as you simultaneously seek both comfort and excitement. Waves of anxiety may come and go during the day as you grow too attached to one extreme or the other. But the stress can be stimulating, even enjoyable, if you don't try to resolve the tension. Thankfully, stability should return if you are able to accept the paradox of your opposing desires.Taurus:Your friends can be the source of confusion today. They might offer the invitation for fun, but you have to be willing to step outside of your comfort zone. Leaving obligations unfulfilled can make you feel anxious. Obviously, it makes more sense to meet your responsibilities first, but logistically this might not be possible. If you do decide to escape with your buddies for a while, don't complain if you need to work later in the evening.Gemini:You feel like an unreliable leader today, yet others still want you to make important decisions. Fortunately, you will be able to do what you must, even if it requires you to focus your attention on the matter at hand until the situation is resolved. Don't be afraid to take a stand. However, keep in mind that circumstances could change, so you may reevaluate your position tomorrow.Cancer:You could feel quite courageous today yet you won't likely make a foolish decision. Your intuition should steer you in the right direction as long as you don't purposefully avoid any facts. In fact, your hunches have an excellent chance of being right on target, so if your idea also sounds good to others, don't hesitate any longer. Listen to their advice and boldly act on it.Leo:You might believe that you know what's going on, but you could be misreading the signals today. Be careful about jumping to conclusions; verify your assumptions by asking others to confirm what you think you know. Thankfully, good communication can overcome your uncertainty. And even if you discover a problem with your plan, it should be easy enough to make a quick fix and get things back on track.Virgo:You might have a difficult encounter with an overly emotional person today that raises your fears about trusting feelings over facts. Fortunately, you should be fine if you're flexible enough to change your expectations because you could be a bit unrealistic now in your thinking. Avoid disappointment by remaining open to what happens instead of trying to force your agenda onto others.Libra:Even a carefully thought out plan might fall apart today for no apparent reason. Trying to maintain your schedule could increase your anxiety level, so it's crucial now to know when to let go of control. Clinging to your preconceived ideas of what should happen will only increase your frustration. Luckily, you have a real opportunity to gain something special, but you must be responsive to the changing circumstances.Scorpio:A memorable day awaits you if you are willing to compromise. Unfortunately, you may be tempted to hold out for what you want, but this tactic could engender unnecessary conflict. Luckily, the Moon's entry into your 5th House of Play suggests that your feelings can lead you to pleasure if you don't try to over-analyze them. Spontaneity can help you find enjoyment in the moment; don't get lost in your plans or you could miss out on the excitement.Sagittarius:You are in touch with an underlying tension, yet it doesn't have to negatively impact your day. Hiding your emotions will only increase your anxiety, so the smartest strategy is to openly talk about your feelings without being too attached to the outcome. Fortunately, your honest approach and flexible attitude enable you to deepen a friendship now without creating awkward expectations.Capricorn:Your life may be a bit hectic today, yet you are positioned to accomplish a lot. Your most serious problems might be self-created, especially if you try to exert total control over events that are beyond your reach. Instead of imagining that you are in charge, let someone else drive so you can sit back and enjoy the scenery for a while.Aquarius:Worrying about what others think about you isn't usually your main concern, but today someone could rain on your parade, making you question your current priorities. Thankfully, with a little extra effort, you should be able to turn your anxiety into positive action. But don't over-intellectualize your emotional reaction. Instead, get out of your head and trust your instincts.Pisces:The Moon's return to your sign suggests that your emotions are closer to the surface today, which might lead others into believing that they know what you're feeling. However, their assumptions could get in the way. Keep in mind that it's not your job to live up to anyone else's expectations. Your changing moods may not follow your initial plan, but it's wise to listen to your heart, even if it means that you will have some explaining to do later on.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/15/2010   Enjoy.....Aries:The results of your recent work can bring rewards now, but not necessarily in obvious ways. You are able to enjoy life more today as you bask in the awareness of a job well done. But don't let your optimism lead to laziness, for you could falsely believe that you deserve extra time off. This is a mistake; just because you're feeling good, you shouldn't let your regular responsibilities slip.Taurus:You are able to understand new ideas quite easily today because you are eager to broaden your horizons. Sometimes you are satisfied with maintaining the status quo, but now you are confident enough to step beyond your normal routine so that you can get more out of life. However, this isn't about contradicting your basic philosophical approach to living; rather, this is an opportunity to build on the foundation of what you already know.Gemini:Sometimes steady growth is restraining because you want to go at your own pace, which can be faster than everyone else's. However, the Sun's trine to jovial Jupiter in your 10th House of Career allows you to obtain much-needed support from your boss and your workmates as you bolt ahead of the pack. There's no need to slow down now; go ahead and explore new territory without worrying about the usual resistance.Cancer:New ideas are flowing into your life now, but you must be ready to receive them. You may already be in touch with a philosophical perspective as beneficial Jupiter continues to inspire your 9th House of Higher Truth, but the Sun-Jupiter trine today can blast the doors of awareness open. Luckily, this shouldn't feel like hard work. Opportunities to expand your thinking and widen your horizons are more fun than you might expect.Leo:An emotional breakthrough is quite possible today, but you must learn to see things from a broader perspective before the coming changes can impact your relationships. Letting go of fixed ideas isn't easy, but today's Sun-Jupiter trine may be like a Get Out of Jail Free card. Still, it's up to you to use it. You'll need to take a risk or you could stay stuck in your current situation, wishing that you didn't let the opportunity pass you by. Think big and then follow through with confidence and persistence.Virgo:Your relationships can feed your creativity now, especially if you are willing to listen to the ideas of others. However, inspiration won't just happen all on its own. You must put on your thinking cap and be persistent about maximizing your current cleverness potential. Once you start something, stick with it, even if your certainty lags. You are closer to success than you realize.Libra:You may be surprised by the support you receive at work today, because you didn't see it coming. Help arrives in funny ways now, yet you could miss it if you are looking too hard in one direction. Nevertheless, if you can get past your own resistance to change, you have an opportunity to improve the quality of your everyday life. The choice is yours; be courageous and let your friends and associates nurture you in practical ways that matter.Scorpio:The importance of having fun cannot be overstated, because you can be highly creative today as long as you're enjoying yourself. There's no reason to impose arbitrary limits on what you can do. Even if you don't reach an unrealistic goal, you'll get farther along on your path if you extend yourself as much as possible now.Sagittarius:Your fantasies can be a major source of inspiration today, but you need to exercise a bit of caution. Not only is it easy to get lost in your inner worlds, but your key planet Jupiter is so energized now that you won't even realize that something isn't right. Luckily, you have the power to redirect your thoughts away from unrealistic daydreams and toward profound creative visualizations that can change your life for the better.Capricorn:You would be wise to lean on your friends and associates today by discussing your hopes and dreams with them. But don't worry about reaching your goals now, for beneficial Jupiter's trine to the Sun in your 11th House of Future suggests that immediate success is not what's most important. Instead, this is a time to explore your heartfelt vision with supportive people without necessarily having to justify every thought you share.Aquarius:You can benefit today from the cooperative relationship between your 10th House of Profession and your 2nd House of Money. Your hard work is rewarded by an increased paycheck or, at least, the promise of a raise. However, it's not a good idea to push your luck too far; instead, just show up with your best possible attitude and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised.Pisces:You are able to balance optimism and realism today with the Sun's harmonious trine to auspicious Jupiter in your sign. This supportive aspect encourages you to choose what you want to do next. Don't be afraid to reach a little farther now because the planets are working in your favor. Although they portend a positive outcome, you still must be willing to push past whatever usually prevents you from achieving your goals.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/16/2010....Enjoy.....Aries:You have the ability to pull rabbits out of hats today, but your secret magical powers won't be able to get you out of a difficult situation unless you pay close attention to what's actually happening. Your imagination won't require a lot of facts in order to make up a believable story. And although you can make nearly anything seem real for a while, it's much wiser to base your perspective on the truth than on unfulfilled wishes.Taurus:It's easy for you to become attached to an unrealistic goal at work today. Although your hopes can motivate you to reach for the stars, discouragement could quickly overtake your optimism as you see the implausibility of your plan. But this isn't a sufficient reason to give up. Scale back your expectations a bit, give yourself more time and try again. Determination can be your secret weapon.Gemini:politics on the job could get so weird today that you really don't know what to make of it all. You cannot tell if things are actually as strange as they seem or if your fantasies have leaked out of your dream world and into reality. Either way, it's difficult to take a position because of your uncertainty. Wait it out; the truth will be revealed sooner than you think.Cancer:You might feel as if things are beyond your control today. You haven't given up, but you may be worried that your strategy isn't working. Thankfully, the landscape is about to shift and you must to be ready for what's going to happen. Don't entertain self-doubt; it will only slow your progress when you need all your wits about you. Instead of fretting about what's gone wrong, concentrate on what you can do to improve your current situation.Leo:Your emotional stability can be an anchor in a storm today. Although others may not be able to see that your feet are actually on the ground, you continue to maintain a clear sense of reality while floating through the turbulence. Luckily, your work doesn't require a lot of rational analysis now, so trust your intuition and sort out everything tomorrow when it all makes more sense.Virgo:You could turn a trivial matter into a national crisis today because you know that there's more going on than meets the eye. Your suspicions might lead you to create elaborate conspiracy theories in order to fill in the missing information. But it may turn out that your beliefs are more important than what's actually happening. If you experience a simple twist of fate now, it probably originates within your imagination.Libra:Someone might be overly clever at work today and inadvertently upset the status quo for everyone else. Although you would prefer taking a conservative and reliable approach, you may be forced into more extreme measures as you attempt to regain control of a situation that's grown out of hand. Don't be too self-critical if your strategy doesn't work right away. It may take a few more days before you see any results for your efforts.Scorpio:Your ruling planet Mars is stirring up trouble today, making it difficult for you to withhold your anger if someone acts in a careless manner. You know that losing your temper isn't the smartest way to handle the situation, but you are quickly running out of patience. Nevertheless, the choice is yours. Fortunately, you can come up with an original last-minute solution that sidesteps open conflict if you are willing to take a calculated risk.Sagittarius:You may think that you're being very clever today as you share your radical strategy with your workmates. Unfortunately, it may not be so easy for them to follow your ideas now because you aren't thinking in a logical manner. Your conclusions could be correct, but it won't matter if you cannot muster the support you need to make your plan work. It's wiser to take a more centrist position that involves others than to set up a situation where you must proceed on your own.Capricorn:You know that your professional goals are very sensible now, but you may need to wait a few more days before you can put your plan into motion. It could look like you are desperate if you initiate action too soon, causing your strategy to backfire. Although you might feel a great sense of urgency today, you have time to feed your current creativity by letting your ideas continue to develop until they have matured.Aquarius:Although you may have recently experienced some financial relief, things could get weird today as unexpected events affect your net worth. But don't assume that the outcome will be negative, even if something goes awry. You might not have as much control as you want now, but your positive attitude will go a long way toward protecting you from incurring any losses, and could even lead to a windfall.Pisces:You might feel as if you are in a fog today and it's difficult to clear your head. Instead of adding to your stress by trying to force an elusive solution, give yourself permission to float in the magic of the mists until the clouds of illusion dissipate on their own. Exploring the wonders of your imagination will give you the inspiration you need now. Once the blue skies return you can quickly reestablish your trajectory.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/17/2010.........Enjoy your reading for today!!!!!Aries:Your emotions are close to the surface now that the Moon is back in your sign, but it may not be wise to share what's on your mind. You might not mean to offend anyone, but your words can carry more negativity than you realize. Instead of releasing your stress verbally, find something constructive to do with all your excess energy.Taurus:Don't bother trying to hide behind your carefully chosen words because your true intentions will probably be obvious anyhow. Futile attempts to be secretive today could have a detrimental impact on close relationships. Denying your feelings might also suppress the honest reactions of those close to you. It won't hurt to be truthful if you remember to be kind in the process.Gemini:Social activities can be quite demanding now because you may have to be around people for much of the day. Although you usually thrive on being busy, you might wish for some solitude today, but it's difficult to avoid interacting with others. You might not be able to escape the barrage of noise, but you can make things manageable by consciously saying less and actively listening more.Cancer:You are eager to get busy at work today, especially if you enjoy the company of your co-workers. Nevertheless, there is still a part of you that prefers to stick close to home; but balancing your family activities with your profession sounds simpler than it actually is. Fortunately, the level of difficulty isn't high enough to make you miserable. Just remember to stay engaged in all aspects of your life.Leo:You are quite upbeat today, even if you cannot completely rein in your own intensity. You can't just shut off the spigot to your feelings, so don't even try. Observing your reactions to the rapidly changing circumstances teaches you something about yourself that you didn't previously know. Investigating the whole spectrum of emotions could ultimately lead to positive results.Virgo:The alluring quality of your feelings can be quite intoxicating now, whether or not you are in a new relationship. You could even fall in love anew with someone familiar, or discover an exciting attraction to a total stranger. Either way, your enthusiasm is contagious as long as you don't allow fear to stand between you and love.Libra:You may seem more argumentative now than usual, yet it appears to you that someone else is stirring up the aggression. Your key planet Venus is crossing purposes with talkative Mercury today. Unfortunately, the love planet is at the end of her retrograde cycle, suggesting that your needs won't be satisfied just yet. Don't push for resolution now; it's best to just observe your feelings until after Venus turns direct tomorrow.Scorpio:A workmate may have it in for you today, yet you might not understand what you have done wrong. Actually, it's likely that your behavior is exemplary, while others may be resentful of your accomplishments. Although you are tempted to escalate the situation, it makes a lot more sense to smile, bite your tongue and just let the potential conflict pass for now. You can pick up your cause more successfully after the tension has passed.Sagittarius:Although you could easily put your foot in your mouth, your good intentions will cover for your social clumsiness today. Part of the problem is that your patience has grown so thin that it's nearly impossible to take the necessary time to listen to others. In fact, even if you are paying attention, you will probably be on your next thought so quickly that it doesn't really matter. You'll get more out of the day if you do yourself a favor and slow down.Capricorn:Although you could easily put your foot in your mouth, your good intentions will cover for your social clumsiness today. Part of the problem is that your patience has grown so thin that it's nearly impossible to take the necessary time to listen to others. In fact, even if you are paying attention, you will probably be on your next thought so quickly that it doesn't really matter. You'll get more out of the day if you do yourself a favor and slow down.Aquarius:This can be an enjoyable day where a bit of intellectual banter adds to the fun, even if there is a disagreement over the basic facts. Luckily, you are light enough on your feet today so you won't become too attached to the outcome of any discussion. Instead of just stirring up conflict because it's an interesting distraction from your regular routine, try to learn something new in the process.Pisces:A money problem might suddenly be revealed today, but it could be as simple as forgetting to get cash from the bank or leaving your wallet at home. But it also can be more complicated if you haven't been paying close enough attention to your finances. Avoid further difficulties by carefully thinking about your expenditures prior to making an impulsive purchase.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/18/2010....Enjoy your reading for today.....Aries:You may be sure of what you want one moment, yet doubt yourself just a few minutes later. This pull between certainty and uncertainty can lead you in circles today, unless you are smart enough to disengage from the cycle. When you understand that you do not have to make any final choices now, you will be able to relax and wait until a better resolution is found.Taurus:Your inner world is a source of solace today, even if your outer world seems to be full of contradictions and chaos. You might be tempted to find a solution and then stubbornly fix on it so firmly that it's hard to react positively to the changing external events. Fortunately, you can consciously choose to practice being more flexible now that your key planet Venus is moving forward again.Gemini:Your inner world is a source of solace today, even if your outer world seems to be full of contradictions and chaos. You might be tempted to find a solution and then stubbornly fix on it so firmly that it's hard to react positively to the changing external events. Fortunately, you can consciously choose to practice being more flexible now that your key planet Venus is moving forward again.Cancer:Your imagination can lure you into strange waters today, but the Moon in your 10th House of Career will keep pulling you back into what's happening at work. Involving your feelings on the job can complicate your professional life because it's harder to deal with your uncertainty when you're in the public eye. However, suppressing your emotions will only make you angry. Seek healthy ways to let off steam without alienating your workmates.Leo:You are often the one with the game plan, but your ideas may fall flat today. The problem is that you might sound so brilliant that others endorse your solution, even if it isn't the most practical one. Instead of declaring your strategy the winner, show your vulnerability and admit that you really don't know what will work best. If everyone realizes that you don't have all the answers, it will give the group the chance to develop a really good idea together.Virgo:You may be your own worst enemy today, especially if you believe that you are channeling the ultimate truth. Normally, you can be quite logical, but now your fantasies are mixed up with your thoughts, tempting you to leave your common sense behind. Don't assume that your perspective is better than everyone else's; there may be other options that you haven't yet considered.Libra:You aren't willing to accept the advice of someone else today just because he or she claims to know the answer. Trust your instincts if you think that your associates don't have enough information to form a clear opinion. Others seem to be willing to oversimplify the situation for the sake of expediency while you can't decide what to do. Be patient; a viable solution will surface over the days ahead.Scorpio:You want to believe that there is one single path amongst the many, but as the day progresses, it appears that there are even more possibilities than you realized. You are intrigued with all the different scenarios, yet picking one over the others becomes a daunting task. Don't get tricked into thinking that you must do something definitive today. It's better now to wait for the most sensible course of action to be revealed.Sagittarius:You are feeling very creative with the impulsive Aries Moon lighting up your 5th House of Self-Expression. However, this is not a cosmic license to do whatever you want, for you are being driven by desires that aren't necessarily conscious now. A sensible, down-to-earth approach seems difficult to manage, yet it's your smartest move. Don't talk yourself into believing fairy tales about treasures at the rainbow's end. Aim at a realistic target and try not to lose focus as you continue on your course.Capricorn:You are in a unique position to share your vision of the future and there's little reason to hold back. Don't worry about being practical today; this can be your chance to dream aloud. Keep in mind that you aren't proposing an action plan, so your thoughts need not be strictly grounded in reality. Making up a fantastic story can be more inspiring now than sticking to a step-by-step strategy for success.Aquarius:Your head is filled with many contradictory thoughts today, making it difficult for you to share them with others. Your friends and co-workers may grow increasingly resistant to your ideas because you appear to know everything, even if you are obviously confused with your facts. Keep in mind that the two-way street of communication begins with listening.Pisces:The Moon's visit to your 2nd House of Income can trick you into believing that your finances are in better shape than they actually are. Thankfully, you could be riding a productive wave at work, which increases your chances of receiving an unexpected raise. Nevertheless, things are not as they seem today; don't make any commitments to spend money until you can clearly see which way the fiscal winds are blowing.mydailyhoroscopes.com
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Thanks for my daily dose, Pam!
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Mben wrote: Thanks for my daily dose, Pam!
 Thanks for always reading Mben...Your so welcome....
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11/19/2010   Enjoy your reading for today gang....Aries:Now that Venus is moving forward in your 7th House of Partners, lingering misunderstandings should begin to clear up, even if it doesn't happen overnight. It's up to you to make the commitment to turn your relationships around by clearly communicating what you want. However, sharing your desires isn't enough; you also must be willing to hear what the other person wants and then negotiate until you create common ground.Taurus:If you have been dealing with physical symptoms over the past weeks, you might finally begin to make progress toward feeling better as your key planet Venus moves forward in your 6th House of Health. You might have tried to fix things by gathering information, but now you need to put what you've learned to work. Remember, today's healthy routine will create tomorrow's well-beingGemini:Your world is spinning rapidly today, even if it seems that you're getting nowhere fast. Although your position in an ongoing negotiation could change suddenly, you cannot tell if you are any closer to your goals. Don't push for resolution now or you'll only increase your frustration. What works best at this time is to try to understand both sides of the issue and avoid getting hung up on your desired outcome.Cancer:You could appear to be very easygoing today, but you may be cleverly withholding strong feelings that you don't yet want out into the open. You think that you can manage the current situation if you suppress your emotions, but your closest friends will still be able to see right through your smokescreen. Don't waste your energy attempting to protect others from the truth. A kind delivery will enable you to be honest without causing unnecessary hurt.Leo:You may want everyone to think that you know what is best today. Fortunately, you can be a rock as you steady someone who is going through a difficult time. However, your determination to be strong is a mixed blessing, for it also offers others an easy way out of their problems as they lean on you for support. You can be of highest service if you don't try to fix what's wrong with your idea of what's right.Virgo:Your schedule could get a bit crazy today as the Sun in your 3rd House of Immediate Environment harmonizes with erratic Uranus. You don't have the authority that you thought you did, yet you're unwilling to relinquish control. It might appear that drastic measures are needed to put your life back in order, but an even-keeled approach will bring better results. Reconsider your goals and put a plan into action over the next few days.Libra:You don't want to precipitate any sort of emotional drama, but your key planet Venus has just turned direct in your 8th House of Deep Sharing. Your feelings may have grown unexpectedly strong and there isn't anything you can do to change them. Instead of resisting, honor your internal process by engaging it. If your sharing provokes someone to react aggressively, the choice of whether or not to take it to the next level is entirely yours.Scorpio:You may be unwilling to seek common ground with a friend or partner today, even if it has the potential to make your life simpler. However, you aren't interested in compromising away your integrity. And although it appears that the other person is being difficult, it may be you who is being more stubborn at this time. Keep in mind that the outcome of a disagreement now is not as important as it seems. The health of a relationship is what ultimately matters most.Sagittarius:The Moon's visit to your 6th House of Health and Habits increases your desire to have more stability in your daily routines, including diet, exercise and sleep. Unfortunately, there can be so many distractions today that self-discipline is even more difficult than usual. Don't be hard on yourself if you cannot tighten your grip on reality now. It may be healthier to avoid frustration by letting go of control. Remember, tomorrow is another day.Capricorn:You may be revisiting an idea at work that you previously set aside. Now, however, you might change your mind about what the most sensible strategy may be as you discover new information. But don't jump to the conclusion that you have arrived at a final answer. Venus turning direct in your 10th House of Career could be a catalyst for one more round of flip-flopping. Rather than assuming that you know what is best, tell everyone that your plans are still developing.Aquarius:Enrolling in a new course of study or making the final arrangements for a major trip should soon get easier as Venus turns direct in your 9th House of Big Ideas. However, you might realize that your previous plans won't work now. Maybe you have family obligations to fulfill before you can go off on an adventure. There's no need to rush your decision because you will continue to gain clarity over the next several days.Pisces:If you began to trust someone too quickly, you may need to temporarily retreat so you can establish healthier boundaries now. Your current emotional uncertainty could be prompted by new information about a close relationship coming to light. Your wisest course of action is to talk about your feelings. Take additional time to determine what you really want prior to making your next move.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/20/2010 Sorry these are late gang.....Aries:You've had enough fun for a while; you have important issues to handle now and time is running out. Thankfully, you are able to do whatever is required, even if you've been procrastinating up to this point. Don't worry if you must miss an exciting social gathering today because you'll still have plenty of time to get together with your friends in the weeks ahead.Taurus:If you've been keeping busy by doing favors for everyone else, now it's your turn to take care of yourself. Fortunately, the sensitive Moon's return to your pragmatic sign focuses your feelings and stabilizes your world in the context of the larger emotional currents. Don't waste your energy today pursuing grandiose ideas; instead, concentrate on practical businessGemini:The Moon's visit to your 12th House of Privacy encourages you to withdraw from social interactions and to spend more time by yourself. Don't worry if people tease you about missing out on the fun. There is no reason to waste your energy defending your behavior. Even with your explanation, they won't likely understand why you must recharge your emotional batteries before heading out and engaging in another round of activity. You have to do what's best for you.Cancer:The nurturing Moon's visit to sensual Taurus probably feels like an improvement to you emotional Crabs, but you don't want others to think that your caring is a sign of weakness. You want to experience pleasure and are now willing to face any fears that get in your way of finding it. Although you might prefer to stay at home, don't hesitate to engage socially if it appears that the goodies will follow.Leo:You are busier than normal with the Moon traveling through your 10th House of Social Responsibility. You know what you must do and you can be quite determined in the execution of your duties. But caution is advised because you could become so stubborn that your rigid agenda gets in the way of your own progress. Modify your strategy as circumstances change; being more flexible enables you to keep moving in the direction of success.Virgo:The Moon's passage through earthy Taurus is a pleasant reminder of your own attachments to the practical side of life. Your head may be filled with fantastic ideas, but some are not relevant. At least you can filter out the superfluous thoughts and concentrate on those that can have real impact. But don't get lazy today or you could miss a significant opportunity.Libra:You want to make deep and lasting personal connections now that the Moon is back in Taurus and your 8th House of Intimacy. But magic like this doesn't happen overnight; you must aim high and do the psychological and spiritual work that is required first. Avoid being distracted by superficial interactions. You'll benefit the most by holding out for real love.Scorpio:Others are likely to make you feel a bit crazy now, especially if they aren't moving as fast as you want. Unfortunately, nothing you try seems to speed them along. Meanwhile, you aren't interested in wasting time and dislike the idea of having to wait for anyone else. Take a deep breath and practice being patient. What seems like a good idea today should be easier to manifest tomorrow.Sagittarius:Your strategy of temporarily avoiding a deep discussion about your feelings might actually help you make it through the day. You realize that if you say what's on your mind today, your disclosures could stir up powerful emotions that only lead to an unsolvable disagreement. For now, it's wiser to steer clear of abstract philosophical debates. Keep conversations focused on the most practical subjects possible.Capricorn:The Moon is in sensible Taurus, a fellow Earth sign, and her visit to your 5th House of Creativity can bring you just the energetic boost that you need. Getting back to basics is a sound strategy because you are building a foundation for the next several weeks. The more you are able to simplify your life, the easier it will be when the pressure for change returns over the days ahead.Aquarius:The Moon moves through your soulful 4th House today, strengthening your inner resolve. However, this transit can also provoke anxiety, since you aren't necessarily comfortable with intense emotional encounters. Remember that you don't need to initiate any particular action yet. The key is to courageously dig into your past to recover memories that can teach you something useful about the present.Pisces:Today's steadfast Taurus Moon in your 3rd House of Immediate Environment is good news because it slows the pace of your life. Unfortunately, a complicated situation may have intensified over the past week and maybe even grew out of control. Fortunately, everything appears more manageable now and if you find yourself engaged in a petty conflict, remember that this, too, will soon passmydailyhoroscopes.com


11/21/2010.......Enjoy your readings for today.........Aries:Your desire to travel is so strong now that you might avoid thinking about the financial aspects of your dreams, as today's Full Moon activates your 2nd House of Money. But even if you stop to consider the costs, you may decide to move ahead with your plans anyway, whether you can afford them or not. Remember, there are other ways to satisfy your current wanderlust; you could use this energy to learn about the history and people of places that you want to see.Taurus:The Full Moon in your sign challenges you to stay connected to your feelings, even if they complicate your life. However, your intensity today can overpower others, but luckily you have the sense to realize that your unrestrained communication could be intimidating. Even if your emotions are uncharacteristically strong, don't try to suppress them just because it might be more comfortable. Still, it's wise to soften your approach when you ask for what you want.Gemini: Your discomfort might be running high today because the Full Moon is highlighting your 12th House of Secrets, making it difficult for you to understand your feelings. However, you may not be able to escape the non-rational dimensions of your emotions. Even if you are more secure in the logical realm of words, you should still try to overcome your uneasiness. Sharing your emotions with a good friend won't be as difficult as you think, and could quickly help transform your resistance into acceptance.Cancer:Normally you worry about what might go wrong before you start a new project, but today you may be ready to jump right in. Fortunately, the Full Moon lighting up your 11th House of Social Networking can bring you much-needed support from your friends and co-workers, but there still may be those who don't share your perspective. Staying flexible increases your chances of success.Leo:You might think you'll be able to reach your goal if you are persistent, because the determined Taurus Full Moon brightens your 10th House of Status. But others aren't likely to agree with you just because you are vocal about your plans. Nevertheless, you might not be able to escape being in the public eye now. Even if you feel awkward, just be yourself and don't make such a big deal about getting your way.Virgo:Your confidence is increased today with the earthy Taurus Full Moon in your 9th House of Big Ideas. You are very certain that your solution is a good one, yet your feelings can still distract you from what you need to do. Allowing your mind to wander could turn your accurate observations and increased stamina into irrationality and laziness. It's not wise to take on too much; instead, be smart and work small changes into your daily routine.Libra:The Taurus Full Moon activates powerful emotions because it falls in your 8th House of Intimacy, but you may not be able to easily express what you're feeling. Your fear of not being able to control the direction of a conversation could stop you from saying anything at all. Nevertheless, it still may be more sensible to take a risk and open your heart. Even if you don't get everything you want, you'll be able to rest assured that others know exactly where you stand.Scorpio:Today's Full Moon in dependable Taurus lights up your 7th House of Partners, tempting you to rely on someone else's support more than you should. Instead of compulsively expressing all your thoughts and feelings because you want his or her approval, consider keeping some things to yourself. As Shakespeare wrote, The better part of valor is discretion. Sagittarius:You might resist the changes that are unfolding at work, but you may not get your way today. Luckily, the Taurus Full Moon shining in your 6th House of Self-Improvement suggests that you still can be happy as long as you don't get too attached to grandiose fantasies. Instead of trying to reach for the stars now, moderate your expectations and seek joy in simple pleasures.Capricorn:You want things to be real, and although today's Taurus Full Moon can offer you solid ground on which to stand, the stability seems to be short-lived. Don't waste your energy worrying about whether or not your current actions will have lasting value. Even if the situation changes quickly, what you do now sets the tone for what follows in the days to come.Aquarius:Emotional satisfaction can be yours now if you don't get too distracted by your long-term goals. Having ambitions is admirable, but not if they stand in the way of your home and family life. Today's Taurus Full Moon emphasizes your 4th House of Roots; instead of worrying about what's coming up at work, focus your energy on your personal life. There will be plenty of time later on to set new goals and work toward achieving them.Pisces:Your attention is turning from being concerned with the present to thinking more about your future. Nevertheless, you cannot shift gears until you've met your current responsibilities. The down-to-earth Taurus Full Moon still requires you to be practical, even if you want to fantasize about what's next. Don't try to avoid your obligations. Demonstrating your dependability should give you a strong sense of satisfaction before you focus on nurturing your dreams.mydailyhoroscopes.com
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11/22/2010...Enjoy your reading for today.....Aries:You should enjoy the shift in your awareness as the Sun enters your 9th House of Adventure today. The thought of doing something exciting makes you smile, although you may not be able to put your most exotic ideas into a concrete plan. Ultimately, you need to find new ways to express your freedom, and you won't be eager to surrender it without gaining something in return.Taurus:partnerships become more complicated as the Sun begins to move through your 8th House of Deep Sharing. You may not be as willing to remain with someone just because it's safe. Even if security is important to you, don't take the easy way out. It's not worth sacrificing your needs just so you don't have to be alone.Gemini:Now that the Moon is traveling through your sign, you could be more willing to open up and share your feelings with a special friend. Thankfully, others should be receptive to you these days because the warming rays of the Sun are now shining in your 7th House of Relationships. You may be surprised that you find happiness once you learn to express yourself freely without worry or fear.Cancer:Although you might have withdrawn a bit over the past couple of days, your interactions with others may become much more interesting now. Although your feelings can bring up childhood memories, it's still important to distinguish what happened in your past from the current situation. Allow yourself the chance to connect emotionally with someone you trust to help you through the process.Leo:You are stepping into a fun-filled phase when your life lightens and you want to express yourself in a more playful manner. Even if it's challenging to find everything you're seeking, you are still more willing to move forward with anticipation now, rather than shut down in fear. It's certainly more pleasurable to be with someone you like than spending your time alone wishing for companyVirgo:You are not interested in overdoing anything, for self-restraint usually comes easily to you. Today, however, you may need to manage a new set of issues around your current responsibilities and your desire to spend time with your family. Even if you want to let your work slide, you still must follow through on what you started prior to any relaxation or recreation.Libra:You don't mind being so busy now, but it isn't a smart idea to equate activity with happiness. It's challenging to know what is enough or what's too much, and you could exhaust yourself before realizing that you can't keep up with all that you started. Even if your week ahead seems to be in order, don't be afraid to cut back on your schedule. It's better to have free time than not have enough time to do what you planned.Scorpio:You have had some intense experiences recently and, thankfully, are at the threshold of a more relaxing phase now. Instead of digging deeper into your feelings, today is a good day to stabilize a current situation. Fortunately, this can also be a relief to people close to you. Your newfound confidence could have you spending too much money these days, so keep an eye on your resources to make sure you're using them wisely.Sagittarius:The radiant Sun enters your sign today for its yearly visit, bringing you good luck, new opportunities and exciting adventures. It's a smart idea to consciously make use of your birthday month by increasing your involvement in social activities and giving yourself permission to do those things you have set aside because responsibilities called you elsewhere. But even if you are distracted from your regular routine now, don't be hard on yourself if you escape work to have a little fun.Capricorn:It's difficult to concentrate on your job today because the scattered Gemini Moon is visiting your 6th House of Routine. Your mind is bouncing around all over the place and there doesn't seem to be much you can do to stop it. Additionally, the Sun's entry into your 12th House of Imagination encourages your fantasies and daydreams. Remember that making a wish is not a passive activity, so focus on your long-term ambitions and then work hard to make them come true.Aquarius:You may receive much-needed support now that the Sun is in outgoing Sagittarius and your 11th House of Friends. Nevertheless, the whimsical Gemini Moon reminds you of just how bored you become if you cannot break out of your everyday routine. You are more interested in pursuing creative activities now than showing up for your regular tasks. Be thankful that others are supporting you, but don't expect them to help you escape from whatever responsibilities may be holding you back.Pisces:You could get yourself into all kinds of trouble today, especially if you start more projects than you can possibly finish. Your smartest approach is to avoid overload and pare back your commitments as much as possible. Don't wait until others have become fully dependent upon you, for it will be more difficult to make changes then. However, don't eliminate all of the pleasurable activities or you will likely have regrets later on.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/23/2010Aries:Saying something impulsively today may cause regret, but you cannot take it back. Unfortunately, a quick slip of the tongue can create more negativity than you wish. Fortunately, paying extra attention to the potential impact of your words before you open your mouth could prevent an unnecessary headache later on. Stopping to consider other people's feelings should be enough to save the day.Taurus:You don't have to be in a hurry today to resolve the tension between you and a loved one, even if it feels as if you do. Stressful emotions will settle down on their own, enabling you to integrate the previously frazzled energy. Don't bother seeking quick solutions from anyone else. Your inner guide will show you the best path, but only if you have the wisdom now to slow down and wait for the inspiration.Gemini:Accomplish as much as possible today, for you could become less ambitious over the days ahead. By working harder you can burn off some excess energy and increase your ability to concentrate. But don't think that your mind will become inactive just because you choose to be less analytical now. Instead of competing with others for a more dominant role, find a place where you can lay back and chill out.Cancer:You may be worried about the final outcome of a situation or that you can't possibly finish the work that was assigned to you. But something unusual could happen today that snaps you out of your anxiety, even if no one wants to acknowledge how much has changed in just a few short hours. You should explain your perspective, even if others are working hard to hide the truth. Just reserve any blame for another day.Leo:You might wish that you could be reclusive this week, rather than thinking about how much work there is for you to do. Luckily, you can get out of a few unpleasant chores by just going into hiding. However, escape isn't a viable option because it doesn't offer a lasting solution. It's okay to withdraw a bit, but stay grounded and ready to interact if needed.Virgo:You are able to maintain a cool demeanor in most social situations as the Moon enters your egalitarian 11th House of Friends this evening. It isn't usually easy to let go of your focus on work and you may feel lost if you do. Being able to broaden your horizons and expand your network gives you and others much needed hope. But don't allow the present situation to dictate what's real. Open your eyes to all of the possibilities.Libra:You may be very stressed by your current need to feel your own power today, especially if someone important seems to be blocking your personal expression. Fortunately, time is on your side now, so don't make up reasons to speed up the pace or you'll have to work harder than necessary. And don't be afraid to add your two cents while you still have something to say.Scorpio:A current wave of uncertainty could prevent you from attempting to manifest your dreams. However, this is not a great day to sit back and talk about unrealized potential. Get up and get going as early as possible, because you have a lot of work to do and the sooner you get started, the sooner you'll finish. You can make more progress now if you put away your doubts and believe in yourself.Sagittarius:You probably aren't in the mood to do a whole lot of relationship processing today, but complex circumstances appear to push you in the direction of self-analysis anyhow. Thankfully, you stand to gain an extraordinary amount of insight now, even if you were already sure that you knew what was happening. Remember, you can't just walk away from the hard work before you even try.Capricorn:Your tender spot is in the courting game, as revealed by the Moon's evening entry into your 7th House of Partners. Your natural reaction may be to prevent others from seeing your vulnerability by hiding the true you from sight. Nevertheless, you have a deep reservoir of courage; it's time now to dig it up and use it accordingly so you can stand up to your ghosts of relationships pastAquarius:You might know exactly how to improve your diet now, yet you aren't telling anyone about your current realizations. Worse yet, you are tempted to do nothing, no matter how desperately the changes are needed. Fortunately, you are smart enough to remember the importance of taking care of yourself. Resist the waves of laziness and enlist the support of someone you trust.Pisces:You may attempt to protect your vulnerability and go to great lengths in order to hide your feelings from others. However, there's no need to be very dramatic today as you demonstrate your fondness of someone special. Nevertheless, expressing your desires isn't simply a way to clear the air; it's also helpful to better your shot at getting what you want.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/24/2010...Enjoy....Aries:Even if your concentration is required at work today, you may still be distracted by a personal issue that continues to remain a problem. Thankfully, you can be so skilled at hiding what's really happening that your associates believe that you're doing an amazing job. Accept whatever praise you receive; you don't have to blow your cover, and you probably deserve the accolades anyway.Taurus:You don't mind working behind the scenes today as long as you can fine-tune your plan of attack a few times during the day. Usually, you're not a fan of change, but shifting gears is easy now as you respond to what's happening. This is not a smart time to act in a stubborn manner. Practicing flexibility will give you the best possible chance for success.Gemini:Bringing your accounts up to date may demand more time than you wish now as the Moon visits your 2nd House of Money. Fiscal change appears to be in the air, but the results of your current actions may not come quickly enough for you. However, impatience won't lead to success today. Do what's right and wait for the impact of your extra efforts to come back around.Cancer:You can be so intuitive that you often know what's happening even if no one tells you. Today's Moon in your sign extends your emotional antennae even farther. You may have to be extra careful or your feelings could muck up a lovely encounter with someone you like. Watch your moods as they swing back and forth throughout the day, and try not to make any significant decisions that could alter the course of your life.Leo:Your day can be mixed with contradictions because you may intuitively sense that you're on the edge of something big ... and although it's exciting to think that there are no limits to your far-reaching ideas now, you might have to face an unexpected obstacle. A seemingly insignificant social event can set you in a direction that is very advantageous to your career. Combining business with pleasure isn't always a wise idea, but today it may be just what the doctor ordered for your success.Virgo:You might choose to lose yourself at a social gathering today or become more involved in a team project. Either way, the Moon's current visit to your 11th House of Community allows you to move beyond individual needs and to share your expertise with others. Don't miss this opportunity to give something back to your peers.Libra:Although your friends might accuse you of playing the role of a mother hen at work today, your motives are probably pure. You want to share your love by taking care of others, and the current Cancer Moon encourages you to express your emotions and nurture those around you. Pay attention so you know when to back off or someone may get the idea that you're just trying to control things, when you're only trying to help.Scorpio:Instead of letting a personal issue overwhelm you now, you are able to blow off some excess energy by getting involved in a social cause. You can easily understand complex interpersonal dynamics so don't be afraid to tell others exactly how you feel. Your perceptions are clear and your perspective is balanced while the Moon is moving through fellow Water sign Cancer. There's no need to back down, even if you make someone uncomfortable. Honesty is the best policy today.Sagittarius:You are often drawn to philosophical ideas and can usually talk about them with a deep passion. Today, however, you are likely to be more interested in personal issues as the Moon moves through your 8th House Intimacy. There's no need to shy away from your emotions, even if they make you uncomfortable. Go right to the very edge because your feelings can teach you much about life now.Capricorn:If someone tells you his or her sad story today, don't try to take action and fix what's wrong. Just be receptive and listen with a sympathetic ear. Your mistaken belief that you have to take charge and demonstrate your competence will only bring dissatisfaction and frustration. It's not easy for you to just sit with other peoples' issues, but it's a good idea now to make it your practice.Aquarius:Instead of letting everyone know about your brilliant ideas today, it's smarter to work behind the scenes. You can emerge the hero if you are secure enough to allow others to take center stage so they can receive recognition for their accomplishments. Even if you played an important role in someone else's success, your quiet support will also likely bring you an opportunity from somewhere you did not expect.Pisces:You might not be very concerned about what others think today because you are acutely aware of what makes you happy. Your clear perspective gives you a new sense of emotional power. Nevertheless, you still might not be eager to put your feelings out into the open. Go ahead and trust in the process; there is a direct correlation between the risky behavior of showing your vulnerability and the amount of pleasure you later experience.mydailyhoroscopes.com


11/25/2010....HAPPY THANKSGIVING............How each star sign attacks the job of getting the turkey ready for thanksgiving is, different, fun and interesting!These made me laugh gang, see if they are right on for you as well.  LOL Aries        Theres no time to waste for an Arian, they want to get the show on the road and get things organized. Before you know it, they are off to get the Turkey. Stand by because everyone will have a job to do, it will be a delegated affair. Taurus     If theres a Taurean in the house, dont even think about entering the kitchen without permission. Theyre in control and you can expect nothing short of a gourmet delight, with stuffing and all the other goodies. Gemini     The twins like to be prepared, so dont be surprised when they come home with two turkeys. You just never know when someone will drop by, so the more turkey you have on hand the better. After all, then theres turkey for the whole week! Cancer    Does everyone have enough, theres more turkey? Cancerians are great home makers. They never forget anything, as well as making sure you have a second helping. If you are going to a Cancerian household you better not eat for a week, at least! Leo         In the Leo household, everything is big and grand. Youll have the biggest, latest and greatest award winning turkey mr. or mrs. Leo can find, even if its imported. Theres lashings of gravy and everything else that adorns a thanksgiving table.   Virgo         Virgos are into quality control. Never mind what it looks like, or the size, or where it came from, lets get to the most important matter of a turkey - is it juicy and flavorsome? When a Virgos in control, dont mess with them, stand back and let them take over. Libra         The turkey has to look beautiful for a Libran to find it appetizing and more-ish. Yes, it might be the best turkey ever and cooked to perfection, but if its not displayed like a piece of art on the table it can lose its appeal. Dont forget to buy the garnish! Scorpio     A Scorpio may not have been involved in the buying or cooking of the turkey, but you can be sure that they will be on call to do the official taste test. Theres no doubt that a Scorpio knows best, so dont mess with them when turkey is involved. Sagittarius     Whatever process the turkey goes through before it gets to the table, shopping cart, basted, baked, tasted and sliced, before any morsel of turkey touches anyones mouth, it will need to be blessed Sagittarians are in charge of imparting the prayers! Capricorn     When it comes to turkey for Thanksgiving Day, money is not an issue. Whatever it costs, a Capricorn will part with their hard earned dollars. Capricorns are family oriented people and money is no object when it comes to a special day like this. Aquarius    Being a humanitarian, the Aquarian may be more concerned about how the turkey is treated, rather than the cooking process or how it tastes. If youre in control of buying the turkey for an Aquarian, make sure you know the process of how it got to the market.   Pisces        If anyone appreciates a good thanksgiving dinner, its a Piscean. You can expect to hear positive hmm, hmm sounds that let you know all is well. It doesnt really matter how the turkey got to the table as long as it does arrive and is extremely tasty!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
People are gonna leave my house FAT!!! LOL"
Cancer "
Does everyone have enough, theres more turkey? Cancerians are great home makers. They never forget anything, as well as making sure you have a second helping. If you are going to a Cancerian household you better not eat for a week, at least!


Hi Gang: Thought we might switch Horoscope sites for the Month of December. I'll be getting our horoscopes from several different sites each week.  Some are serious, some are funny, some are just plain silly.Hope you enjoy the change.                                     Pam Your Birthday Today: If you make sure not to step on any cracks and re-check your locks 23 times daily, this year could bring you many psychiatric-flavored medicines. You can also look forward to bank holidays, unusually long hold times due to high call volume, and  coupons! Your future is bright or at least discounted unless prohibited by law. Aries (21 March-20 April) An apple never falls far from the tree EXCEPT when it's hurricane season. There's a chance you can change! Start something new! Taurus (21 April-21 May) Today, you can look a gift horse in the mouth. This way you can see what crawled up the gift giver's butt, too. Gemini (22 May-21 June) Long-winded rambling voicemail messages coming at you all day.  Cancer (22 June-22 July) Go get 'em tiger! They certainly aren't coming to you. Leo (23 July-22 August) You have two pairs of pants that look absolutely horrible on you in your closet right now. Throw them out. Just throw them out. Virgo (23 August-21 September) Your full-o-crap meter is well-tuned and highly functioning. Today is a good day to cast judgment on others. Libra (22 September-22 October) View mayonnaise with an incredibly critical eye today. Consider yourself warned. Some good stuff might happen to you today, but it won't matter if you don't take the advice on the mayo. Scorpio (23 October-21 November) Problems seem easily solvable--when they are happening to someone else. Ignore condescending advice from others and loaded firearms. Sagittarius (22 November-21 December) An incompetent co-worker will cause you more work. Suppress the urge to do nasty things to his coffee mug. Capricorn (22 December-20 January) You are likely to put your foot in your mouth. Luckily, there is plenty of room. Aquarius (21 January-19 February) Your losing streak is about to end. Keep gambling. Pisces (20 February-20 March) Your computer is on the verge of a major bitch fit. Stop clicking so much and back up data.   
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Those are funny ones! They're grrrrreat!! Can you tell what my sign is? lol"
I wish I was an Aquarious today but I am more like a Pisces with the way my PC is acting up. .
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Aquarius (21 January-19 February) Your losing streak is about to end. Keep gambling. I want to be an Aquarius toooo.   Glad you enjoyed them Mben. Ill try to get folks laughing each day with them.                                                                                                     Pam
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11/27/2010..........Aries:There are lots of ideas screaming to be let out of your head. Let them free, and they'll scream in other people's heads too! Hunky-dory - a beautiful phrase that will sum up the day, week and month for you. You see, it's just going to be tip-top from here-on-in and the smile on your face is going to bug the living hell out of everyone. Taurus:Describing yourself in a local rag as A badass dude from the badlands is a great way to invite ridicule upon yourself. Dance like a madman, win the respect of colleagues and foes. A trip to the doctors should quell any anxiety you have about being a pair of curtains, although his diagnosis may be less than helpful. Gemini:A picture frame will feature highly in your day today and will probably make you feel like you'd never gotten out of bed. Indeed, you'll probably end up going back to bed as soon as today's mishaps have had done with you. When the morning is done, you will have your sweet reward. The pain in your foot will lessen today as the pain in your hand grows. You will start to feel animosity towards forms of public transport and its workers, simultaneously regretting having your foot injured in a closing door and punching the driver. Cancer:Your itchy nose will soon be gone after you suffer a week of agonising hell locked in a pepper cupboard with a strait-jacket. Waiting for a lift to come is like going down the stairs, only less calories. See? Leo:The lights are on, nobody's home and it's time to download some porn off the internet. The newspaper will become a source of great amusement this week as an article tickles your fancy in almost every way. A film will set you straight about a number of things today and will also serve to kill between one and a half and two and a half hours of the day. Probably. Sorry, it's a slow day for you, there's nothing much I can say that will make it any more interesting. Virgo:The only conspiracy theory you need to worry about is the one that involves you. You knew about that conspiracy, right? Oh....dear...God. Your spine is going to feel a tingling sensation later this day and you're not going to be able to attribute it to anything specific. Alcohol can be a man's best friend - not a dog...well, perhaps a dog who's been pickled in alcohol. Libra:Hexes may impair your vision today if you attempt to cross an invisible boundary. Fun is a word that will score you few points in scrabble...but then when was life all about scrabble? If you mis-use the word literally once more today ( I *literally* laughed my ass off ), you're going to feel what it's like to be hit upside the head . Scorpio:If you don't wear glasses now, the chances are that you're going to need to after an upcoming sports accident. Sing a song inside and to hell with the dark clouds that await you. Sagittarius:Bask in the glory of your achievements today. Just because people laugh at you doesn't make you a comedian. Scroll further down any web pages you access today, just in case there are hidden clauses you aren't aware of. Capricorn:You're doing really well, keep it up! You are a beautiful creature - don't let any other pretty bitch tell you otherwise. A hard life will get harder for you this week as you start drinking heavily. Aquarius:Hopefulness can be a virtue, but naivity can bring you trouble. You may become a danger to yourself this week, especially if you plan to surgically implant spikes on the ends of your fingers. There may be trouble ahead...but while there's moonlight and music and love and romance, the blow caused by the venereal disease you are about to become infected with, will be somewhat softened. Pisces:In a world full of people like yourself, who cares if you want to behave like an orangutan? Walk without shoes for a day and you will soon understand the nature of the soul. Geddit! It's a...well, it's just... To the rest of the world, you are like brine shrimp. Fun, but ultimately useless and short lived. laughsend.net/horoscopes -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 27th of November 2010 09:17:44 AM
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11/28/2010     <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) The mythic asteroid Chaeron, in collaboration with the uneasy spirit of Atahualpa (the last Inca king), will act to produce a gastric upset of epic proportions, today. Keep your chakras clear, and carry some Immodium. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) You will declare war on ham, today. Possibly on all pork, not just ham. Why? Nobody will know. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Today you will discover a way to have your cake and eat it too! Unfortunately, everyone else will think that's really disgusting. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Today is a good day to crash through the underbrush, making loud snorting sounds. Beware of poachers, however. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) Everyone you work with will bring Kim Chee for lunch, today. They're just doing it to be difficult. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) You will attain your dream of having your own cooking show, but it will become tiresome when you have to battle your way past people dressed as chickens to get into the studio each day. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) Everyone's talking about Nostradamus these days, but nobody ever remembers his first name. Except you. People may think it's pretentious of you to talk about Bob Nostradamus , but who cares? They'll all die when the comet hits, anyway. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Today will be a great day for bargains. For example, you'll find a really amazing price on a flame-thrower, at the Army surplus store. A flame-thrower is one of those rare things that really creates a lasting first impression -- so you should definitely get it. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Today you will find that you can make an incredibly silly sound, and will spend the entire day making it, and then laughing. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) A tricky situation will arise today, but you will rise to the challenge and draw it to a satisfactory conclusion. Oddly, you will hit upon the right thing to do by suddenly recalling an old Gilligan's Island episode. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) This will be a very happy week for you. And you know what they've been saying about that for thousands of years, don't you? Happy Good! Me Like Happy! <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) You will find that if you deliberately mispronounce sir as sair , you can answer a lot of questions with either yes air or nose hair .   -- Edited by PMM2008 on Sunday 28th of November 2010 09:53:25 AM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PMM2008 wrote: <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Today is a good day to crash through the underbrush, making loud snorting sounds. Beware of poachers, however. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) Everyone you work with will bring Kim Chee for lunch, today. They're just doing it to be difficult. ______________________________ I'm Cancer! Snort, Snort! lol And who eats Kim Chee?? ME!!!!
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11/29/10 </h1>the daily humorscope </h2>Monday, November 29, 2010   Maybe this world is another planet's hell. -- Aldous Huxley   <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) Good day to make sure you are prepared for a big earthquake. Get bottled water, a first-aid kit, canned food, flashlights, transistor radio, sturdy hiking boots, and a feather boa. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) Today you will become stuck in a wicker chair. This is what the British refer to as a sticky wicker , as it is an unfortunately common occurrence in their climate. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) A large cement dragon will appear to be following you, although you'll never actually see it move. Don't you just hate that? <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Tiddly wink day. Make it count. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) Beware of Doug. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) Time to stop beating around the bush. Beat the bush itself. Give it a good thrashing, and say bad bush! in a loud stern tone. <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) You will become unwittingly embroiled in a turf war between rival Chinese restaurants, today, as you step off the sidewalk to avoid a person wearing an extremely large hat. Before the day is over, you'll find yourself angrily hurling pot stickers at people you've never met. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Soon you will get into accounting, just for the thrill of it . <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) You will be afire with enthusiasm today! Unfortunately, someone will put you out. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) You find that after all these years, you are finally beginning to conquer your fears. You will find that oddly frightening. <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) It's time to take up indoor gardening. It's quite fun, and you can grow a lot of stuff in a little space. Be considerate though - I can tell you from personal experience that it's best to run the tractor when your spouse isn't around. <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) You need to get more exercise, but can't tear yourself away from the computer. Do what I do: glue your keyboard to the ceiling, and get yourself a mini-trampoline! humorscope.com -- Edited by PMM2008 on Monday 29th of November 2010 12:20:36 PM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Those were all funny! I'm glad I have an easy day of tiddly winks today!
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Just for grins, one day you should post the serious ones, but mix them up (e.g. put the Capricorn horoscope for the Pisces) - just to see if anyone notices "
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PSP wrote: Just for grins, one day you should post the serious ones, but mix them up (e.g. put the Capricorn horoscope for the Pisces) - just to see if anyone notices
 I think I like your sense of humor PSP.  We could get along very well.                                                                                                     Pam 
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 </h1>the daily humorscope </h2>Tuesday, November 30, 2010   Quick!! Act as if nothing has happened! <a> Aries </a>(March 21 - April 19) You will be in an extremely stuffy meeting today, which will seem to last forever. You will be able to liven things up a smidge by putting a few small feathers in your hand, and then coughing them out. <a> Taurus </a>(April 20 - May 20) Oddly, despite the impression you gained from a television commercial, your new soap will not inspire unusual levels of grinning in the shower. <a> Gemini </a>(May 21 - June 20) Someone named Tyrone is about to sell you a vaccuum cleaner. There's nothing much you can do about it, I'm afraid. <a> Cancer </a>(June 21 - July 22) Today you will irritate people. In fact, you'll irritate yourself. <a> Leo </a>(July 23 - August 22) Good time to invest in flowers and a card. Sometimes no occasion is the best occasion. Just like sometimes no disfiguring disease is the best disfiguring disease, I guess. <a> Virgo </a>(August 23 - September 22) If you want someone to change, it's often good to give them a painful option and a less painful option, and let them choose their own course. For example, Do you want to pick up you own wet towel, dear, or would you like to have a live weasel stapled to your leg? <a> Libra </a>(September 23 - October 22) A good time to learn to laugh at yourself. Or, develop multiple personalities! That way you won't be laughing at you, you'll be laughing with you. <a> Scorpio </a>(October 23 - November 21) Excellent day to do something new with bean curd. <a> Sagittarius </a>(November 22 - December 21) Today you will realize that your biggest problem is indecisiveness. Or possibly procrastination. Tomorrow may be a better day to figure out which. <a> Capricorn </a>(December 22 - January 20) It was a simple mistake, which anyone could have made. What's more, now you know better. I think, though, that the expression is too widespread for you to actually get it changed to never look a gift horse in either end . <a> Aquarius </a>(January 21 - February 18) You will accidentally overhear scientists telling each other jokes. Surprisingly, the one that starts So, a bilaterally symmetrical eumetazoan walks into a bar will be really funny. (I won't spoil it for you here.) <a> Pisces </a>(February 19 - March 20) You are being followed by fierce warriers of the Nez Perce tribe. You know - those guys with the little frameless glasses on the chains around their necks? Not surprisingly, many of the Nez Perce became fierce librarians. dailyhumorscope.comThese are just plain funny, thought I would do this site just one more day.  Tomorrow we will visit a new site.                                                                                                  Pam -- Edited by PMM2008 on Tuesday 30th of November 2010 08:55:54 AM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)"
Today you will irritate people. In fact, you'll irritate yourself."
Yeah right!!!! People are IRRITATING me!!!!!
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12/1/10Enjoy your readings for today.........ARIES (March 21st-April 20th)You should be feeling full of enough confidence to tell a close one the real reasons behind your resistance to make a change. Just make sure you don't let emotions take the lead though. TAURUS (April 21st-May 21st)Conversations that you have on this day are set to reveal more than you thought possible. There are many sides that you will be discovering to faces that previously had not appealed to you. GEMINI (May 22nd-June 21st)Your health is going to need a boost if you are to ever find the energy that you are seeking. There is also a link to your past that could soon change your life! CANCER (June 22nd-July 23rd)You are going to find it very hard to stay away from a friend that you just know your close ones will not approve of. Just make sure they're really worthy of such sacrifices! LEO (July 24th-August 23rd)You have the strength to do anything you set your mind to, as Pluto will be filling you with all of the confidence you could possibly desire. Make sure you use it to your advantage. VIRGO (August 24th-September 23rd)Let the events that have occurred recently be a lesson to you Virgo and try not to be in so much of a hurry to make changes that you know cannot benefit your present situation. LIBRA (September 24th-October 23rd)Today should see you finding better footing with someone you have not really been seeing eye-to-eye with of late. In fact there will be many opportunities before you to improve several relationships. SCORPIO (October 24th-November 22nd)You don't seem to be able to stop thinking about a work matter that just doesn't seem to be going the way that you'd hoped. Positive thinking and a phone call you make today is your key.  SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd-December 21st)You thought you knew someone you used to call a friend but the face they have shown of late has led you to regard them as a stranger. Today they may well turn this fact around. CAPRICORN (December 22nd-January 20th)The coming weeks show several outlays you are thinking of making but it would be almost impossible for all of them to be completed. Get your priorities in order before someone does it for you. AQUARIUS (January 21st-February 19th)Flirtations and fun await you as you suddenly realise just how much power you have over certain people around you. Don't waste this gift though Aquarius, use it on the person you really want. PISCES (February 20th-March 20th)You must not feel pushed out of a loved ones life just because they are doing something you cannot get involved in. Sometimes it can actually be a healthy thing to take a break.astrologyroom.com
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