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YEAH, I made it this year, now the rest of you don't even need to show up for the draft because i got this on lockdown yeah booooyyyyyy. All kidding aside good luck to everyone and thanks Belgamo for doing the league another season.


So great of you to pick me Belgamo! Thank you so much. "
Best of luck to all who play, and...Go Dolphins!


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
belgamo wrote: Here's who is in this years FF league- yvonne69 peteyweestro dji420 queenmap slotgal47 belgamo mben TonyT PSP Bobby STR8LAGGER Mikey7a
 Be afraid - be VERY afraid! :theman:


No Deposit Forum Founder
invites sent out along with message about league prize and sidepot. Post here once you have registered along with your team name. thanks


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Mben's BAD AZZ BOYZ are ready to kick some AZZ!  
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
yvonne69 wrote: my team name is nwo
Was gonna ask who that was but hadn't yet. I could figure the others out.New World Order huh?


Here is a link, to get an idea of how to Draft, from each position 1-12. Use these as a guide, not the end all to make a great team. I just thought, I'd help any newbies to understand the process of live drafting. I truly believe, an informed group makes for a better, balanced League. P.S. If you beat me using these, I'll hunt you down! :tongue:<a href="http://fantasynews.cbssports.com/fantasyfootball/story/24648019/draft-prep-picking-no-1-overall" >http://fantasynews.cbssports.com/fantasyfootball/story/24648019/draft-prep-picking-no-1-overall</a>


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Thanks for that, Mikey. I will be putting some names on my list from that site. :thumb:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Member - Team Nameyvonne69 - N W Opeteyweestro - So Cal Ramsdji420 - JagerBombersqueenmap - Queens Terminatorsslotgal47 - Junkyard Dawgsbelgamo - Belgamos Thundermben - Mben's BAD AZz BOYZSTR8LAGGER - WhippinDatAzzMikey7a - Mikeys PhinsStill need you guys to get registered:TonyT - PSP - Bobby - -- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 27th of August 2014 02:28:19 PM
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Mben wrote: Member - Team Nameyvonne69 - N W Opeteyweestro - So Cal Ramsdji420 - JagerBombersqueenmap - Queens Terminatorsslotgal47 - Junkyard Dawgsbelgamo - Belgamos Thundermben - Mben's BAD AZz BOYZSTR8LAGGER - WhippinDatAzzMikey7a - Mikeys PhinsStill need you guys to get registered:TonyT - PSP - Bobby - -- Edited by Mben on Wednesday 27th of August 2014 02:28:19 PM
 I have not seen the email yet - could you resend it please? 
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
The PSP Crushers are registered and ready to CRUSH! :thumb:


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PSP wrote: The PSP Crushers are registered and ready to CRUSH! :thumb:
:thumb:Member - Team Nameyvonne69 - N W Opeteyweestro - So Cal Ramsdji420 - JagerBombersqueenmap - Queens Terminatorsslotgal47 - Junkyard Dawgsbelgamo - Belgamos Thundermben - Mben's BAD AZz BOYZSTR8LAGGER - WhippinDatAzzMikey7a - Mikeys PhinsPSP - PSP Crushers :shoes:Still need you guys to get registered:TonyT - Bobby -


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Bobby's invite went to the wrong email address and he will be registering soon.We are just waiting for TonyT now. I PM'd him asking him to get registered. I hope does so soon so he doesn't miss out.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Ok, here we all are (I'll fill in Bobby's team name as soon as he registers)yvonne69 - N W Opeteyweestro - So Cal Ramsdji420 - JagerBombersqueenmap - Queens Terminatorsslotgal47 - Junkyard Dawgsbelgamo - Belgamos Thundermben - Mben's BAD AZz BOYZSTR8LAGGER - WhippinDatAzzMikey7a - Mikeys PhinsPSP - PSP CrushersTonyT - Browns ClownBobby - esters eagles-- Edited by Mben on Tuesday 2nd of September 2014 10:58:42 PM


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Any idea when we will know the draft order? I am preparing like a MADMAN!"
(OK, not really - just curioso! :thumb:)"
Insert dead cat here...


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
PSP wrote: Any idea when we will know the draft order? I am preparing like a MADMAN!(OK, not really - just curioso! :thumb:) Insert dead cat here...
 Don't we find out only when we get into the draft app? I've never seen it before hand. First game is on Thursday and we're drafting Wednesday ... LOL


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Don't forget about our draft tonight, boys and girls! "
Who has P Manning at the top of their list?"
Here's hoping you don't get who want and that I end up with them all! :biglol:


Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Any idea when the draft site becomes available?"
Is there a specific link? I don't see one yet....

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