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How are you feeling today?


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I think I am feeling better than I did yesterday so I must be feeling damn skippy today!!! "
Have a FANTASTIC Friday everyone! And an even better weekend!


Morning everyone:Cold morning here. Thermometer reads 20 degrees, yet the sun is shining and it should be a lovely day despite the temperature.   Saw my first snow flakes of the season yesterday. Wasn't much, but it was certainly snow. I slept good, and I feel great today.   Looking forward to another day at NDF with all my friends. Hope everyone has an exceptionally great day.                                                                                                      Pam
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds


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Hi everyone:Looking forward to a nice quiet Sunday. A little football, a roast in the crockpot, and a nap is all on my agenda for today. Sun is shining, but it remains cool here, and likely will till June now. Hope everyone has a Sunday that is picture perfect.                                                                                                  Pam
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Hello All:The sun is shining, it is a beautiful day.  Warm here for this time of year, and I'll take it. Just wanted to take the opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful day.                                                                                                       Pam
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Oh, I am getting excited! "
I have a vacation coming up next week and and will be getting ready for it here in the next few days. 6 wonderful days of being away from home. No dinners to cook, no laundry to wash, no errands to run, no grandson to watch. OMG, what am I going to do with myself? LOL"
Excited and stressed is how I am feeling today."
Everyone, have a FANTASTIC day!!!!!


Hello everyoneWell, we made it to another Friday.   Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend?Not much going on here in my little house to talk about.  All is well, and I feel good looking at another weekend.   The weather promises to be good, and I may have to get out there and clean my garage before the snow flies.   (My garage looks like something blew up inside of it )Wishing every one a wonderful day, and a super weekend.........                                                                                              Pam
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Hi gang:I was up at 10am, it is now 12pm. Is it nap time yet? It is a cold, windy and damp day here in Michigan, and it is only going to get worse as it is supposed to rain today a little later.   These are good days to stay in and , oh gee, I dont know.....SPIN?   yes, that sounds like a plan.  Seeing as the free chips are a bit scarce these days I guess I will have to deposit somewhere.  Better check the bank account first. Hoping everyone has a wonderful relaxing Sunday.  Kick back, put your feet up, watch some TV, and take a nap.  (Oh wait, those are exactly what I plan to do) hahaha                                                                                                  Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Relax and Nap are not in my vocabulary today nor tomorrow. But come Tuesday, I will be so relaxed someone might call 911 for me thinking I am in a coma! "
Laundry, cooking, cleaning, packing, babysitting and more cleaning are my words for the day. "
UGHHHHH is how I am feeling today!
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A beautiful Tuesday here in Michigan.  Sun is shining, and it is a balmy 46 degrees today.  Pretty quiet around my house this week.  Not alot of company, and I am able to get alot done.  Looking forward to Thanksgiving already, and it isnt till the 25th.   My cupboards are slowly filling up with many ingredients for many delicious dishes I plan to make. Just wanted to wish everyone a great day......                                                                                        Pam
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Hi there. How is everyone today?I had a scary morning. My dogs got into a fight, and I had to break it up. They do this sometimes when one gets to ruff with the other.  Anyways,  I got bit, and I have a really chewed up couple of fingers, and a bite on my lower arm that is ugly to look at.  Luckily I dont need any medical care.  I will just type really bad for a few days. Other than that, the day looks to be good and uneventful.  Lots to do here at NDF, so I better get busy. Wishing everyone a wonderful day......                                                                                                   Pam
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I free great today!! I wonder if this R and R I'm on has anything to do with it? Probably!
Sorry about your hand, Pam. Darn dogs! lol
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Hi Gang:Happy Sunday. I do believe the time is right to put up a few Christmas decorations today.  Not too many, not to few, just the right amount. I feel great today. Slept like a rock, and woke up feeling very rested. It is free money tonight at the land casino, and I will be there early. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.                                                                                        Pam
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Hello Gang:Wow, it has occured to me that Tuesdays are a extremely boring day. It's not the beginning of the week, it's not even Hump Day. It's not Friday yet, or the wonderful weekend.  It is just plain ol'e Tuesday.  What ever happens exciting on Tuedays?  Blahhhh.  I am doing pretty well, except the weather outside promises to get frightful. Rain, snow, and below freezing temps later today all equal a day I'd rather stay home that go out.  It's a good thing I have NDF and my friends here to keep me in good company. Whatever your weather is, Have a wonderful day.  haha                                                                                                    Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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How am I feeling today? Like shit!!!"
You ever have those days where you wake up and things seem to be ok? And then, slowly but surely, one thing starts a snowball affect and you know that even though the morning isn't half over, the whole day is going to be shot to hell? "
Well, that's the kind of day I am having ........ so far. It could get better, but I doubt it. "
I hope you all are having a great day! We don't need all of us to be having shitty days. lol "


Morning:Well, I woke up to Snow on the ground.  Radio was talking about accidents already as people forget how to drive in snow over the Summer. It is cold, snowy and windy all day.  I am hunkered down in my office with my coffee, and NDF.  Two of my favorite things.I'm getting a new washing machine today........Isn't that exciting?    Hey, if you could see my old one, you'de be excited too.  hahahahI have been saving up all my dirty clothes, just to do them in my new washer.  hahahah   (Yes, it's true, I have no life)
Wishing everyone a wonderful day.....Stay warm if your in any part of the world with this nasty white stuff.                                                                                                        Pam                                                                                                 
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I feel great today."
The sun is shining and it will be around 76 for the high today. Can't beat that! "
I hope everyone has a FABULOUS day today!!
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  Soooooo glad your feeling good today Mben.I feel pretty darn good too, although the weather outside is not a plus to my mood. Snow is blowing, and it is soooooo cold.  Thursday promises to give us our first heavy snowfall of the season with 3+ inches on the way.  Well everyone...I have a new member to my family today.  His name is Zane, and he is a 7 week old kitten.  I saw an ad for free kittens. They were living in a cold barn as they were strays. I only went to look,     and now I have a new baby.  Wishing everyone a wonderful day.                                                                                          Pam                                                               -- Edited by PMM2008 on Wednesday 8th of December 2010 12:17:25 PM
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Bah Hum Bug is how I feel today. Can't wait until January, the holidays will be over lol. UGH UGH UGH BLAH!! Hope everyone's day is going better than mine.


Hello everyone.......Well, almost the weekend.  PhewwwwWe here in Michigan are supposed to get snow tonight, and snow again on Sunday.  Not loads of it, but certainly enough to make driving a nightmare.  Winter driving can be the worst.  The holidays are creeping up on us everyone. Anyone ready? I have begun my shopping but will likely wait till the last minute before I find myself finished. My new kitten Zane is already tearing thru my house like the other pets, and acting like he doesnt have a care in the world. (cause he doesnt) Just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful day.                                                                                                       Pam
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feeling good, i started out my day right by greeting my love ones good morning, eating the right meal and the road and streets are great because of the less traffic.


I always enjoyed this thread. Dont know why it keeps falling into the abyss. Feeling great today, except for the snow coming.  Gonna really be a storm.  I am going to hunker down and watch it from the inside of my little house. I am good, my animals are good, my family is good.  I have much to be thankful for each day I wake up.Knock on wood, The only illness I have had this winter so far was a little touch of the flu a few weeks back.  Other than that, I have felt great. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.                                                                                                   Pam


well lets bring it back again. I finally managed to get out of bed about 8:30 this morning and am still very stiff and sore. The side effects of the medication I take are kind of rough. Still I am a lot more fortunate than others that are on it . I feel ok right now and as the day goes on it will get better then start over tomorrow Hope this being revived finds all of you doing better or at the least things are looking up for you


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Thanks for reviving the thread, trippleslots! 
 I feel pretty good today. A little overworked (lol) but other than that, life is good! :roll:
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