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Typhoon Haiyan: Survivors in Philippines face grim struggle as death toll rises</h1>By Paula Han****s, Ivan Watson and Jethro Mullen , CNN updated 7:51 AM EST, Mon November 11, 2013   Tacloban, Philippines (CNN) -- Survivors root through the splintered wreckage of their homes searching for loved ones who may be buried beneath. Others are scrambling to find food and water in areas littered with corpses.Three days after Super Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest storms in recorded history, scythed across the central Philippines, people here are struggling to grasp the enormity of what they have lost and the challenges they face.The storm, known as Yolanda in the Philippines, has left devastation on a monumental scale in its wake.Thousands of houses have been obliterated. Many areas are still cut off from transport, communications and power. Some officials say that as many as 10,000 people may have been killed.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/11/world/asia/typhoon-haiyan/index.html?hpt=hp_t1" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Haunted by the Newtown massacre, police officer faces firing over PTSD</h1>By Ray Sanche z, CNN updated 10:00 PM EST, Mon November 11, 2013   New York (CNN) -- A Newtown, Connecticut, police officer haunted by the horrific images of the mass shooting at an elementary school there said Monday that he could lose his job after being diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.Thomas Bean, one of the first officers to respond to the<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/07/us/connecticut-shootings-fast-facts/index.html" > December 14 shooting</a> that left 26 dead, including 20 children, told CNN that he has contemplated suicide, continues to have flashbacks, and is left crying some nights by memories of the bloodshed. Nothing could prepare you for that, Bean, a 12-year veteran, told CNN's Susan Candiotti. The worst possible scenes you could think of ... Because all there was, was horror. Bean was diagnosed with PTSD and has not been able to return to work. Six months after the mass shooting, the officer -- who responded to the tragedy on his day off -- was placed on long-term disability, according to Bean and his union. That day killed me inside, he said.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/18/health/train-brain-stress-enayati/index.html" >Training the brain to stress less</a>A letter from the police department, obtained by CNN, confirmed that he was permanently disabled but said he could be fired because Newtown could only afford to pay two years of long-term disability. He has a dozen years left on the job before being able to retire.The union that represents Newton police officers may file a lawsuit. The men and women of the Newtown Police Department who did respond that day did their job, said Scott Ruszczyk, the union president. They lived up to their end of their contract. It's now time for the town to live up to their end. <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/05/health/ptsd-five-things/" >5 things to know about PTSD</a>Joe Aresimowicz, the House majority leader in the state General Assembly, said Connecticut covers mental health care only if the diagnosis is accompanied by physical injuries for long-term disability claims. We don't just cover mental injuries, he said. The last thing you want is a first responder getting ready to enter a situation and have them think, 'I wonder what long-term harm this will do me?' In an e-mail, Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe declined to discuss the matter. Local officials did not return calls or e-mails seeking comment.Bean told CNN that he broke down in tears after Sandy Hook Elementary School was cleared. He drank and smoked excessively. He even contemplated cutting himself with a razor. I didn't want to kill myself but I wanted to feel something, he said. Had no feeling, no sensation, no nothing. Adam Lanza, 20, shot and killed 20 young children and six teachers in the school before taking his own life -- a massacre that prompted a national debate over tougher gun laws.Bean said he knew he was in deep, deep trouble after entering a store one day. I looked at everyone in that store like they was going to kill me, he said. I could not get out of that store fast enough. I looked around, and there was a crowd of people, and all I saw were flashbacks -- (the) firehouse with the families or what I saw that day. Officer Bean, 38, who's married with two children, remains in therapy said he is grateful for support from one group in particular called<a href="http://www.saveawarrior.org/" > Save a Warrior</a>. Bean urges others suffering from PTSD to seek help. The Save A Warrior program that I went through is free, he said. We even had some law enforcement from LAPD and NYPD go through the program. Other Newtown police officers were diagnosed with PSTD, but Bean was the only one unable to return to work, union officials said. If I had my arm chopped off, they'd would say, 'Oh yeah, he's hurt.' But instead they're like, 'We can sweep (this) under the rug and not necessarily have to pay because ... it's not physically seen.' That's the problem with PTSD ... people don't see it, said Bean, his voice trailing off.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Democrats losing patience with Obamacare</h1>By CNN Staff updated 8:50 AM EST, Wed November 13, 2013   Washington (CNN) -- Congressional Democrats are upping the pressure on President Barack Obama to fix what's ailing his signature health care initiative with some in the party warning they may be forced to back a House Republican proposal if the White House doesn't offer an alternative by week's end. We've got to get out of the bunker and fix these problems, a senior congressional Democratic source told CNN's Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash of flaws in the newly rolled out law that have energized Republican efforts to weaken the President and his allies and derail a policy they have long considered unworkable.The White House has until Friday to devise a solution to the problem-plagued roll out of the Affordable Care Act, the source said.That's when House Republicans will take up a bill to address one of the more politically potent Obamacare problems for the President and Democrats -- those losing their health coverage due to the law despite Obama's assurances in selling it to the public that Americans could keep their plans if they wanted.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/12/politics/obamacare/index.html?hpt=hp_t1" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a> 
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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PMM2008 wrote: Democrats losing patience with Obamacare</h1>
 Mben losing patience with Obamacare!</h1> 
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Cruise line: Passenger intentionally went overboard north of Hawaii</h1>By CNN Staff updated 8:17 AM EST, Thu November 14, 2013   (CNN) -- An American cruise ship passenger was reported overboard Wednesday, and the U.S. Coast Guard joined the search in the Pacific Ocean northeast of Hawaii.The 54-year-old woman was witnessed intentionally going overboard from the Grand Princess, Princess Cruises said, adding that the witness' account was confirmed by closed-circuit television.The Grand Princess was on day three of a 15-day cruise round-trip sail from San Francisco to Hawaii.The crew notified the service that the woman had gone overboard about 750 miles northeast of Hilo, the 14th Coast Guard District in Honolulu said. The Coast Guard listed her age as 30.The passenger was last seen about 1 p.m., the cruise line said. It said it immediately contacted the FBI and the Coast Guard. It gave the distance from Hilo as approximately 650 miles.The ship changed course to search, and an HC-130 Hercules airplane crew was en route from Air Station Barbers Point in Hawaii, the Coast Guard said. Its statement provided no details on what may have occurred.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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China to ease one-child policy, abolish labor camps, report says</h1>By Mariano Castillo , CNN updated 3:23 AM EST, Sat November 16, 2013   (CNN) -- After months of hints, China announced Friday it will relax its decades-long one-child policy and abolish labor camps in an effort to improve human rights, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported.Officials had said earlier both controversial policies were under review, but thatdid not diminish the force of Friday's announcement.The biggest change could be the abolishment of the so-called re-education through labor system under which tens of thousands are imprisoned in China without trial.Set up in 1957, the system allows the police to detain petty offenders -- such as thieves, prostitutes and drug addicts -- in labor camps for up to four years without a trial. China's judicial process itself is already controlled by the ruling Communists in a one-party regime. In a 2009 report to a United Nations human rights forum, the Chinese government acknowledged 320 such facilities nationwide holding 190,000 people. Other estimates have put the number of inmates much higher.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/15/world/asia/china-one-child-policy/index.html?hpt=wo_c2" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a> -- Edited by PMM2008 on Saturday 16th of November 2013 10:09:33 AM
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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PMM2008 wrote: China to ease one-child policy, abolish labor camps, report says</h1>
Human rights were/are violated. The fact that their population is out of control is an excuse but not an excusable one where human rights are taken away. We were put on this Earth to be fruitful and multiply. Maybe not multiply like rabbits but don't take my rights to act like a rabbit away! But then again, it is the Chinese government.  
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One JFK conspiracy theory that could be true</h1>By Thom Patterson , CNN updated 6:38 AM EST, Sun November 17, 2013   (CNN) -- During the half century since President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, you may have heard about a few conspiracy theories.Decades of investigations, hearings, documents, records, books and interviews have failed to satisfy conspiracy theorists with a definitive answer to The Question: Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone when he shot the President?At one time or another, doubters of the lone gunman theory have accused 42 groups, 82 assassins and 214 people of being involved in the assassination, said author Vincent Bugliosi.That's a lot of paranoia.So, when reporters, producers, or amateur historiansare looking to check out the latest JFK conspiracy theory, they call Dave Perry. People think I'm an anti-conspiracy guy, Perry said recently at his Dallas-area home.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/16/us/jfk-assassination-conspiracy-theories-debunked/index.html?hpt=hp_c3" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Tornadoes rip through Midwest, killing 6 and devastating neighborhoods</h1>By Ted Rowlands . Holly Yan and Michael Pearson , CNN updated 8:13 AM EST, Mon November 18, 2013   Washington, Illinois (CNN) -- Hundreds of thousands of people were without power and hundreds were without homes across the Midwest on Monday after powerful storms wreaked havoc in three states.The worst damage appeared to be in Illinois, where six people died.Gov. Pat Quinn declared seven counties a state disaster area, including Tazewell County, where a tornado left parts of Washington, Illinois, in ruins. Devastation. Sadness. People that lost everything, is how Washington Mayor Gary Manier described the scene to CNN's Chris Cuomo on New Day. Another tornado in Washington County, Illinois, east of St. Louis, left a path of debris that stretched more than three miles, according to a preliminary survey by the National Weather Service.While the bulk of the storm had moved offshore into the Atlantic Ocean and the threat of severe weather Monday was small, damaging wind gusts of up to 40 mph were still possible in parts of the Northeast, CNN meteorologist Indra Petersons said Monday morning. In the Great Lakes region, 50 mph gusts were possible, she said. 'Complete destruction' The storm struck Washington around 11 a.m. Sunday, when many of the town's 10,000 residents were at church.The timing may have been a blessing: Dozens of homes were destroyed, but only one person is known to have died in Washington, a city of 10,000 just west of Peoria, Illinois. It was complete destruction, resident CNN iReporter Anthony Khoury, who filmed the tornado tearing through his neighborhood, said Sunday. There are people in the streets crying. In nearby Peoria, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center treated 55 people for injuries related to the storm, the hospital tweeted. Some of the injuries included rib, femur and pelvic breaks. Two patients were in critical condition.Resident Michelle Crumrine said the winds swept her home and everything in it clean away. A lot of people have a pile of rubble still, and I don't have anything, she said. It's gone. I don't know where it went. <a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/18/us/midwest-tornadoes/index.html?hpt=hp_t1" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Hi gang:I am in Micigan, and when this storm rolled thru, it was intense.In my town of Midland, there are over half with no power, and over two dozen streets closed due to damaging winds taking trees down etc.These were not even tornados, just the strength of the storm and the winds.I pray for the tornando victims, their families, and the entire area affected by this brutal storm.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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The pictures of the damage caused by the tornadoes and the storms are so sad. My heart goes out to all who are affected.


Man dies trying to set freediving record</h1>By Josh Levs and Saeed Ahmed , CNN updated 7:46 AM EST, Tue November 19, 2013   (CNN) -- A New York man trying to set a freediving record died Sunday after he surfaced from a depth of more than 200 feet.Nicholas Mevoli, a 32-year-old from Brooklyn, hoped to reach 236 feet (72 meters) with one breath of oxygen and without the assistance of fins.When he surfaced, he flashed the OK sign and then lost consciousness 30 seconds later, organizers said.Mevoli was going for a record at Dean's Blue Hole in the Bahamas. At 663 feet (202 meters), it is considered the world's deepest blue hole in seawater.The 10-day competition brought together 56 divers from 21 countries who took part in a variety of events.Vertical Blue, which puts on the annual event, said it was trying to figure out what happened. Competition freediving has an enviable safety record but the sport can never be risk-free, something understood by all freedivers, it said in a statement.In freediving, divers plunge to depths and resurface using a single breath, shunning breathing equipment such as oxygen tanks.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/18/us/free-diver-death/index.html?hpt=us_t5" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Blocked out at www.HealthCare.gov? Bypass on way soon, feds say</h1>By Adam Aigner-Treworgy , CNN updated 7:46 AM EST, Wed November 20, 2013     Washington (CNN) -- Americans frustrated by attempts to purchase health insurance on www.HealthCare.gov will soon be able to determine their eligibility for tax subsidies and purchase insurance directly from insurance companies and private exchanges, a government spokeswoman announced Tuesday.Julie Bataille of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the agency that oversees the government's online insurance exchange, told reporters on a conference call that as of Tuesday morning, the process called direct enrollment should be functioning. With the fixes that we've put in place as of this morning, we do believe that the majority of those high-priority fixes for direct enrollment to work have been addressed, Bataille said. We continue to work with issuers and work through some additional issues. Customers not eligible for tax subsidies have been able to use direct enrollment since October 1, but the fixes put in place Tuesday expand the process to all customers seeking insurance on the individual market.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/19/politics/health-care-website-bypass/index.html?hpt=hp_t2" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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They are a whole bunch of idiots! The gov't, the people who created the website, the people who work for the gov't under IDIOTCARE and their F'd up website!!!"
I am still not verified and am going to make one last phone to to give them a piece of my mind and after that, if my account is still not fixed, they can all go F themselves!


Mben wrote: They are a whole bunch of idiots! The gov't, the people who created the website, the people who work for the gov't under IDIOTCARE and their F'd up website!!! I am still not verified and am going to make one last phone to to give them a piece of my mind and after that, if my account is still not fixed, they can all go F themselves!
 Don't hold back Mben........Tell us how you really feel. :lol::lol:I am not posting anything to do with Obama Care anymore. It upsets you too much. :beard:


Again, the specter of a shutdown haunts the halls of Congress</h1>By Lisa Desjardins , CNN updated 4:30 PM EST, Wed November 20, 2013   Washington (CNN) -- Hovering above Congress with the unpleasant scent of deja vu are concerns that current budget talks seem poised to fail and that the word shutdown is back on the rise.First, there's the apparent budget impasse. There does not seem to be a serious effort to reach agreement in the budget conference, House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland told reporters on Tuesday.The budget conference is the 29-person House and Senate conference committee tasked with hashing out basic budget parameters, including total spending for the next two years. They have until December 13 to come up with a deal. Many of us are skeptics there ever will be (a deal), said Sen. John Thune, R-South Dakota, adding he is confident that the leaders of the budget conference, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Washington, are doing their best.Battle for the House in 2014: Obamacare vs. shutdownPersonal thoughts about the leaders aside, a lack of confidence in the process has moved into higher gear this week.On Monday, the 13 top Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee sent Ryan and Murray a letter expressing concern and urging them to at least come up with a topline figure for spending so that appropriators could then start writing the bills that actually spend the money.The lawmakers behind that letter are worried that they won't have time to write and pass appropriation bills before January 15, when government funding is set to run out.They didn't mince words in the letter: The failure to reach a budget deal to allow Appropriations to assemble funding... will reopen the specter of another government shutdown. We need that (spending figure), said Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Virginia, who signed the letter. It will probably take a good month (to write the spending bills). Shutdown cometh? Some aren't worried; others are Frank, like most Republicans with whom CNN spoke, does not believe a shutdown is likely in January. Even without a budget conference deal, the House and Senate could pass simple continuing resolutions to keep government funded.Appropriators don't want that because it would trigger blunt, across-the-board budget cuts and block any chance to tailor the cuts agency by agency.So the lack of a budget deal does not mean a shutdown will happen, but nonetheless, murmurs of shutdown politics are emerging. Wolf and other Republicans are concerned that the mantle of a shutdown, or any threat of one, could again harm their party. We probably lost the governor's race and attorney general's race in Virginia because of the shutdown, he said, shaking his head. Polling after the shutdown but before the Virginia elections showed Republicans were more tarnished by the fiscal fight. In a CNN/ORC poll, 52% said Republicans in Congress were more responsible for the shutdown compared with President Barack Obama's 34%.Democrats are clearly teeing up the connection between Republicans and another shutdown. I think Paul Ryan ought to put a serious proposal on the table, said Democratic Whip Hoyer. Paul Ryan ought to lead, not follow his caucus down a road which would lead to shutdown. No one's talking about a shutdown except for Democrats, responded Donald Stewart, spokesman for Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell. Everything they're doing now is to get them away from the pain and problems of Obamacare, of course they want to talk about something else. All of this political debris is again swirling in large part because of the absence of clear progress from Ryan and Murray's budget conference talks.The two budget committee chairs and their staff have made pragmatic but hopeful statements in public. Aides from both parties tell CNN the two leaders have been in frequent contact and had face-to-face meetings. But their public words on the matter are few. On Wednesday, Ryan repeatedly donned headphones and holding his hand up as if to say no comment on Tuesday.Budget staffers from both chambers point out that the less that negotiators say during talks, traditionally, the closer they are to a deal. But in this case, the wild politics involved lead many to question whether it's in Ryan's interest to cut a deal. Senate leader pays a House call Perhaps the most significant sign of concern came from a rare cross-Capitol visit Tuesday when McConnell spoke to a closed-door meeting of the House GOP Conference. According to multiple sources in the room, McConnell talked about the upcoming funding deadlines and made it clear that he wants the overall budget reduction slated for January to go into place.McConnell's visit was unusual, one of just a handful he's made to House conference in his six years as Republican leader. In general, he has a reputation as a practical fiscal negotiator who aims to avoid crisis. He and Vice President Joe Biden were among the final negotiators during the fiscal cliff fight of 2011 and 2012. And in October, Democrats and others pointed to McConnell's role as critical in ending the shutdown.His decision to start talking with House Republicans about the January shutdown deadline now is significant.Meantime, the budget conference committee has a timing problem. The group technically has three weeks on the calendar to hash out a deal. But in reality, Congress leaves at the end of the week for Thanksgiving and after it returns, members will have just eight days in session before that December 13 deadline.If they miss that deadline, then Congress could go home for Christmas with no plan for how to keep government funded past January 15. Lawmakers would return January 7 and have a week to decide.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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When the international trading model changes into small business sale, wholesale corsets are very popular and easy no matter on Europe or America. And most ladies like to match the fashion corset with wholesale stockings to build up slender shape.


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JFK assassination a collective memory for American children</h1> 
CNN iReport By Sarah LeTrent , CNN updated 9:13 AM EST, Fri November 22, 2013   (CNN) -- As the 1961 Lincoln Continental convertible rolled down Elm Street in Dealey Plaza, three shots rang out in Dallas, their echoes lodging in the memories of America's youth for years to come.Derek L. Farthing was in third grade in Jersey City, New Jersey, when the school's janitor came to tell his teacher, Ms. Melvin, the horrific news. Her hands rose to cover her face and to still her ... shocked voice from raising our concerns, he told CNN iReport. After composing herself, she turned to us and stated, 'The President, President Kennedy, was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas.' Farthing was released from school early and went home to tune in to the black-and-white CBS broadcast of Walter Cronkite, who famously removed his glasses as he confirmed JFK's death.Amid cloudy conspiracy theories swirling around the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on November 22, 1963, many baby boomers have a moment of clarity from that day; they remember where they were when Camelot fell.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/19/living/jfk-assassination-memories-irpt/index.html?hpt=hp_t1" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Thanksgiving will bring snow and cold to West forecasters say</h1>By Lateef Mungin , CNN updated 4:05 AM EST, Sat November 23, 2013   CNN) -- For those planning a Thanksgiving trip out West, it may be feeling a lot like Christmas, forecasters say.The Southwest could be hardest hit, as temperatures are expected to dip throughout the region in the coming days, the National Weather Service said. Winter storm warnings are active in parts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and Southern California.Areas near Flagstaff, Arizona, can expect heavy snow at times this weekend, with up to 5 inches possible for Saturday, the weather service said.There was a winter storm warning Saturday for areas in the Los Angeles County mountains. Those areas could be hit with as much as 12 inches of snow.This plunge in temperatures comes ahead of the busiest travel weekend of the year. According to AAA projections, 43.4 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend this year.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a> 
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I'm not happy my traveling plans on Thanksgiving fell through but I will enjoy being home during this cold spell. "
Airport traffic on Thanksgiving day might have been a bit much anyway. lol Oh well.


3-decade gridlock broken: The nuclear deal with Iran in Geneva</h1>By Jim Sciutto and Ben Brumfield , CNN updated 9:35 AM EST, Sun November 24, 2013   Geneva, Switzerland (CNN) -- The diplomatic gridlock between Iran and the West seemed immovable for decades. But on Sunday, diplomats made history when Iran and six world powers came together on an agreement over Iran's nuclear program.The deal dials back Iran's ability to work toward a nuclear weapon and at the same time loosens the choke hold of international sanctions on Iran's economy.The two sides now have six months to find out how historic the breakthrough really is. That's the duration of the preliminary agreement hammered out in Geneva, Switzerland, by Iran and the P5+1 -- the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany. There are lots of things, regrettably, that we still have to work on. Our hope is that Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Javad Zarif want to build this different relationship, want to show in clear ways as we go forward that the program is peaceful, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told CNN's State of the Union. The foreign policy chiefs from the nations making up the group traveled to Geneva from the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany on Saturday to pound out the last key points of the deal.Iran has stumbled from one economic crisis to the next under the sanctions, and unemployment currently runs over 24%.The breathing room is intended to buy Iran and the negotiating powers time to arrive at a more comprehensive agreement. But it represents an opportunity, not a guarantee. It's a little too early to break open Champagne bottles and put on the party hats on this one, said Middle East diplomatic expert Aaron David Miller. Its success hinges on whether or not it leads to a bigger agreement to put Iran's nuclear weapons program to rest. That the diplomats came to any accord at all represents a momentous budge in a nearly 35-year deadlock marked by distrust, suspicion and open animosity between the United States and Iran, which broke off diplomatic relations after Iran's revolution in 1979.<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/24/world/meast/iran-nuclear-deal/index.html?hpt=hp_t1" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Nasty weather wallops much of U.S. just before Thanksgiving</h1>By Holly Yan , CNN updated 8:34 AM EST, Mon November 25, 2013   (CNN) -- The wicked wintry weather that pummeled the West Coast is now barreling across the country, threatening to wreck millions of holiday travel plans just before Thanksgiving.The storm has already contributed to at least 10 traffic fatalities.Nearly 400 flights have been canceled in the Dallas-Fort Worth area -- not exactly a bastion for snowstorms. Sleet and freezing rain will keep blanketing parts of the Southern Plains and Southern Rockies on Monday.And after the storm deluges parts of the South with rain Monday evening, it'll start zeroing in on the Northeast, the National Weather Service said. And that could spell more travel nightmares.It's not just the bad timing that has travelers riled up. In many of the places, this kind of weather isn't supposed to happen. This is not Texas weather, man, driver Ron Taylor told CNN affiliate KTVT. This is Alaska, or Idaho. Even parts of Lubbock, known for its warmth and flatness, turned into a snowboarding park as several inches of snow covered the western Texas city. How cold is cold? An Arctic air mass will probably keep temperatures 15 to 20 degrees below normal along the East Coast through Thursday. But even if the system fails to deliver heavy snow, fierce winds could still hamper air travel, forecasters said.Airlines flying in and out of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport pre-canceled about 300 departures to reduce the number of stranded travelers Sunday in anticipation of the harsh weather, the airport's official Twitter account said. And 10% of flights at Oklahoma City's Will Rogers World Airport were also canceled because of the weather Sunday.Then there's the snow. New Mexico could see up to 8 inches accumulating through Monday. Massive rainfall, too Heavy rain is expected to fall from Texas to Georgia on Monday and over the Carolinas on Monday night, with some sleet and snow mixed in for northern parts of that swath.The heaviest rain is expected across parts of Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina.By Tuesday, the rain will reach the mid-Atlantic states and parts of the Northeast. And that could turn into freezing rain in the southern and central Appalachians. Deadly road conditions Four people have died in Oklahoma since Friday, Betsy Randolph of the state's Department of Public Safety said. In each case, the driver was going too fast for conditions, she said. Randolph said only one of those killed was wearing a seat belt.Three people died in a pileup on icy Interstate 40 in northwest Texas late Friday, Texas State Trooper Chris Ray said. One of those killed was a person who got out of his car to help, but got struck. And at least 20 people were hospitalized from collisions within three miles of the fatal pileup, the Oldham County sheriff said.Two people died in New Mexico in dangerous road conditions. A 4-year-old girl who was not properly restrained was killed Friday when the car she was riding in slid off icy U.S. Highway 70, the state's Department of Public Safety said. On Saturday, a woman in her 50s died when the pickup that she was riding in rear-ended a semi-truck in heavy traffic near Gallup, New Mexico, state police said.And in Yuba County, California, a 52-year-old died when a tree fell on top of a vehicle Thursday, the county sheriff's office said. When will this storm end? Most of the nastiness will end by Thanksgiving Day, though much of the Northeast will still get a layer of snow Thursday.But much of the country will enjoy calm Thanksgiving weather -- even if it's a little more frigid than usual.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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Wicked weather threatens to upend best-laid Thanksgiving travel plans</h1>By Ben Brumfield , CNN updated 8:53 AM EST, Tue November 26, 2013   (CNN) -- The nasty weather tantrum that has already left a mess on its march from California through Texas and soaked the South is now expected to ice up roads in the Northeast.So if your spouse is mad that you put off making Thanksgiving travel plans, you can respond that you may have actually done your family a favor.The whole family may be glad you stayed at home, as a wintry storm threatens to upend the best-laid plans. All of these interstates, all of these roads across Pennsylvania -- the Thruway, the Turnpike, 80, 90, 66 -- they all will have ice and snow, CNN meteorologist Chad Myers said. If you're driving ... Snowmageddon won't hit any of the major cities. And it may only rain on the Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.But west of the Big Apple, and around Philadelphia and Boston, the wicked weather will pile snow onto roadways, just as far-flung relatives are zipping in to town.AAA projects that 38.9 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home this holiday.Drive carefully.The storm has already left more than 100 wrecks and claimed at least 12 lives.On Saturday, Willie Nelson's concert tour bus slid off a road in Texas and struck an embankment, sending three band members to the hospital. The 80-year-old singer was not on board. If you're flying ... With an estimated 3.14 million Americans taking to the skies this week to eat turkey with loved ones, planes will be as stuffed as bellies.Passengers on nearly 500 flights out of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport had to find alternate routes when the storm iced the area over the weekend.The outlook, however, was positively rosy early Tuesday morning. None of the major airlines had cancellations planned. We decided to leave early, and we're just going to keep our fingers crossed, said Beth Hundley, who was taking a flight from Washington Dulles International Airport to Des Moines, Iowa.But the snowy weather has yet to hit its target. It should finish icing up New England by Friday. The issue they run into is if you cancel one flight, there may not be capacity on the later flights to accommodate all the displaced passengers, said Daniel Baker, who runs flight tracking website FlightAware.com.The weather may put a further dent in the trip home, as winds rev up to 40 miles per hour as the holiday wraps up, Myers said.It could make flying harder and cause some of you to miss work Monday.And then you'll have to deal with an angry boss.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Last year I was already in the air today flying from Tucson to Boston by way of Los Angeles. Yep, had to fly west first, then east. Anyway, glad it's not this year. "
I actually flew over the Pacific Ocean and then the Atlantic within the same day. I think it's cool I can say that. lol


Bad weather + hordes of passengers = Messy Thanksgiving travel</h1>By Ben Brumfield , CNN updated 8:26 AM EST, Wed November 27, 2013   CNN) -- A massive nor'easter pummeled the eastern United States on Wednesday, complicating holiday travel plans for many of the 43 million Americans who filled the nation's highways, airports, and train and bus stations.Don't get trapped by bad Thanksgiving weather: Top tipsBy morning, delays were reported at airports in Philadelphia, Boston and New York.Snow blanketed parts of the Midwest, where crews scrambled to clear roads. The storm was blamed for scores of accidents.<a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Read More</a><a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN">Source</a>  <a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="CNN"> </a>         </h1>
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Pizza Hut manager offered job back after claim he lost it for Thanksgiving stand</h1>By Faith Karimi , CNN updated 7:34 AM EST, Thu November 28, 2013   (CNN) -- Shortly after a manager announced he was fired for refusing to open on Thanksgiving Day, Pizza Hut is offering him his job back.Tony Rohr has worked at the franchise in Elkhart, Indiana, for more than 10 years.When he refused to open on Thanksgiving Day this year, he says, he was told to write a letter of resignation.Instead, he wrote one explaining why the store should remain closed. I said why can't we be the company that stands up and says we care about your employees and you can have the day off, Rohr told CNN affiliate WSBT on Wednesday. Thanksgiving and Christmas are the only two days that they're closed in the whole year. And they're the only two days that those people are guaranteed to have off to spend with their families. Rohr told the affiliate he refused to quit and detailed his frustration in the letter. I accept that the refusal to comply with this greedy, immoral request means the end of my tenure with this company, he says he wrote. I hope you realize that it is the people at the bottom of the totem pole that make your life possible. He was fired shortly after, he says.The local franchise told the affiliate that he was not fired, but he quit. Pizza Hut's corporate office told CNN the franchise made a serious error in judgment, one which we hope to help remedy. It sent CNN a statement that said the store has agreed to hire him back. We fully respect an employee's right to not work on a holiday, which is why the vast majority of Pizza Huts in America are closed on Thanksgiving, the corporate office said in a statement. As a result, we strongly recommended that the local franchisee reinstate the store manager and they have agreed. We look forward to them welcoming Tony back to the team. <a href="http://www.cnn.com" title="www.cnn.com">Source </a>
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I heard about this. Glad to hear they offered his job back. "
I accept that the refusal to comply with this greedy, immoral request means the end of my tenure with this company, he says he wrote. I hope you realize that it is the people at the bottom of the totem pole that make your life possible. "
That is so true! Greedy and immoral big wigs and us little people make the corporate big wigs the money!


Holiday shopping season kicks off with fights, arrests</h1>By Chris Isidore @CNNMoney November 29, 2013: 11:36 AM ET NEW YORK (CNNMoney)  The start of the holiday shopping season Thursday included reports of fights among shoppers at numerous Wal-Marts nationwide, including one man stabbed and two arrested fighting over a parking space at a store in Virginia.</h2> The Tazewell County, Va., sheriff department reports that it arrested Ronnie Sharp, 61, and Christopher Jackson, 35, after responding to a call of a fight in a parking lot of the Wal-Mart (WMT , Fortune 500) in Claypool Hill, Va.Sharp was allegedly threatening Jackson with a rifle and a knife when sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene, according to the police. Jackson was suffering from a severe knife cut on his arm. Both were being held in the county jail early Friday.Police in Rialto, Calif., said an officer broke his hand and finger trying to break up a fight in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Raymond Rice, 25, was charged with felony assault and assault on a police officer A female relative of Rice, Chennel Smith, was also arrested when she joined the fight after police tried to restrain Rice. There were also reports and video of fights in Beaumont, Texas; Johnson City, Tenn.; Elkin, N.C.; Garfield, N.J.; and Jordan Creek, Iowa, although the authenticity of those fights could not immediately be confirmed with police in those jurisdictions. Related: Thanksgiving openings appear to succeed Bill Simon, CEO of Wal-Mart's U.S. operations, said Friday that the nation's largest retailer attracted more than 22 million shoppers on Thursday and that problems were down from previous years. He said a new policy that guaranteed shoppers who showed up in the first hour that they would be able to get the 21 hottest sales items had calmed things down compared to previous years.  By and large there were a few small incidents but we were really really pleased with how the event went last night, he said on CNN's New Day. Related: Protesting Wal-Mart workers win a round in labor fight  He told CNNMoney that he did not know the details of any fights that did occur.  Any time you get more than 22 million people together, you get some behavior people aren't proud of, he said. In 2008 a Wal-Mart employee at a Long Island, N.Y., store was trampled to death when thousands of shoppers rushed into the store at the opening the day after Thanksgiving. -- CNNMoney's Jose Pagliery contributed to this story
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