When did yousign up, silhamp?silhamp wrote: I didn't get a bonus at Liberty Slots.Here's my account #LSO357956732Thanks
I sent your account to the rep to check, iwiniwin. I'll let you know what he says.iwiniwin wrote: LS0095521114 I didnt receive my bonus and it has been over 72 hours.....Thanks!
iwiniwin, you are not tagged under Belgamo. I'm sorry.Mben wrote:I sent your account to the rep to check, iwiniwin. I'll let you know what he says.iwiniwin wrote: LS0095521114 I didnt receive my bonus and it has been over 72 hours.....Thanks!![]()
Let me know what you want done here, mc2894.mc2894 wrote: My user:LS0008910409
Hi there.I see you left your account number for us. However you did receive the $15 no deposit bonus that this thread offers. Some folks did receive the $25 instead of the $15, but the offer for the no deposit bonus under Belgamo is for the $15 so there isnt anything else we can do to get you more friend.Let me know if that is why you left your account information.As far as the other $10 no deposit bonus they are offering, it is been explained to me that you DO infact need that email, and with out it, you cant receive the free bonus. Thanks for the post. PamKayleesGammy wrote: I only got the 15. I also should have gotten 10 dollars last week, but unfotunately the email went to my junk mail and I didn't have it to show support, so they wouldn't give it to me. That makes me very sad. It was my own fault because not even thinking I deleted all my junk mail without looking thru them.AmandaLS0920069446![]()
Mben will certainly look at this when she logs in and advise you if she can do anything for your situation. Hang tight.daddymike83 wrote: hi i have been lock out from liberty slots, and i a depositor, over $600 dollars. day after day i cant get ahold of any one and i frustated. can any one hhelp get my account unlocked so i can play, i signed up threw your link a while back, my user name is daddymike83 account # LS0073976490can someone please help me please!!!!!!
daddymike, according to the rep the reason you are locked out is because you have created multiple accounts which is against their terms and conditions. We cannot get you back into your account . Sorry.daddymike83 wrote: hi i have been lock out from liberty slots, and i a depositor, over $600 dollars. day after day i cant get ahold of any one and i frustated. can any one hhelp get my account unlocked so i can play, i signed up threw your link a while back, my user name is daddymike83 account # LS0073976490can someone please help me please!!!!!!
Hi there. The $15 takes about 24 hours to show up in your account. When did you sign up?If you have waited longer than 24 hours, Mben will send a note off to the rep to see what the situation is.Thanks for the account info. Pammarrrukas wrote: Account Number: LS0137610633 Hopefully, i can get a $15..
Hi marrrukas, I have sent your account number off to the rep to see if you are eligible. I'll let you know what he says.marrrukas wrote: I still do not get this bonus
Per the rep, ladyluck3847 ... Account blocked for creating multiple accounts to receive free bonuses.:ladyluck3847 wrote: Hi i signed up under your link for the 15 free and waited the 24 hours but didnt see it in my account. My account number is LS0324171784. Can you please help get the 15 free into my account![]()
I have sent your account number to the rep, djspeed3000. Our offer is for $15 free though.djspeed3000 wrote: Hi my id is : LS0679498572 please send my free 25 $thanks
djspeed3000, your bonus has been credited! Good luck!Mben wrote:I have sent your account number to the rep, djspeed3000. Our offer is for $15 free though.djspeed3000 wrote: Hi my id is : LS0679498572 please send my free 25 $thanks