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Liberty Slots no response to fraud accusation


<a href="https://col114.mail.live.com/mail/#" title="Picture of Cher Cash"> Cher Cash </a> <ul class="c_ic_menu c_m t_hovl" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px 0px 2px; list-style: none; background-color: #fcfcfc; border: 1px solid #cccccc;"><li style="margin: 2px 2px 0px; list-style: none;">    To cfg@certifiedfairgambling.com, support@libertyslots.com   <table style="line-height: 15px;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">From: Cher Cash  (fififlam@live.com)Sent:Sun 12/02/12 6:39 PMTo:cfg@certifiedfairgambling.comCc:support@libertyslots.com       Dear Sirs, Thank you for hearing my complaint. I had a problem a few months ago with Liberty slots online casino where I had been playing in a tournament, left computer for some time, returned to computer and continued to play in tournament, still on my screen, until funds depleted. As I have done many times before over several years of play with Liberty Slots Casino I chose to re-buy into game and continue play.  Much to my surprise I was advised that I did not have enough funds to re-buy and began retracing my steps to find out where my money had gone. After extensive research I could conclude there had been some problem on the casinos end to cause the tournament play to be treated as regular slot play and contacted them through chat. After an exorbitant amount of dialog and time they were insistent that the error was not theirs, that they had no other complaints of similar circumstance, and they would do nothing more to research or resolve this matter. I was referred to Liberty by a friend and intended to warn her about what had happened to me but instead considered it to have been an isolated incident not worth pursuing. I really enjoyed their casino and continued playing on their site. I have deposited roughly $900.00 with them in the past six months and and am extremely disturbed to find out that this was no isolated incident but a fraudulent intentional scam. My same friend and I were discussing various sites and strategies when she brought up casino scams siting one scam by Liberty slots and proceeded to describe exactly what had happened to me except they apologized and gave her money back! I am outraged and intend to pursue this to the full extent of the law. I am hoping that you can investigate this serious matter and would appreciate a timely response as to your responsibilities and procedures. I would also appreciate any advise you could suggest as I am sure it would be in the best interest of all parties to avoid legal representation. I can be reached by e-mail regarding any additional information required to resolve this matter. Thank-you, Sheryl R. Smith  
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Hi cherash, per our administrator, Belgamo, we would normally not deal with this complaint. <a href="https://www.nodepositforum.com/t48836768/b4-you-post-read-here/" >https://www.nodepositforum.com/t48836768/b4-you-post-read-here/</a>But because our rep has asked for your account number and what tournament you were playing, I'm asking if you could either post the info or personal message me with it. I will pass the info along to the rep and he will look into the matter. Thanks very much and I hope this gets sorted out for you. 


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tamaroa wrote: Curious to see what the explanantion is ..................
Yeah, I'm hoping Cherash comes back with her login so they can look into it for her. 


Yes I ALWAYS knew something was Up with Liberty slots.. This casino is the worst, what a scam.. I have made around 30 deposits and NEVER i REPEAT NEVER have come close to winning a penny.. I usually dont comment as you can see BUT i had to speak my mind.. Ive been doing this online slot thing for yrs and yrs and yrs and have never seen anything like it. WordYou can agree or dissagree but i spit FACTS.. Truth and only the TRUTH. you have my name and email address.. Check it out.. FRAUD


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I have gotten Cherash's account number and it has been sent to the rep. @mouthit ..... Thanks for your reply. It's always nice to see new members post whether it's in response to a thread like this or not. So ..... I can say the same for other casinos I deposit at. Your opinion of the casino is welcomed so others can make a decision to play here or not but in defense of the casino, it's not a scam. They are legit. Even if we had your name and email address (ahhh from your profile), there really isn't anything we can check out unless you havea clear gripe with the casino as Cherash does.


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cherash, your issue is being investigated. I don't want you to think this has been pushed to the back burner. :)


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tamaroa wrote: Just checking back in on this topic, still curious to see the outcome.
I haven't heard from the rep or cherash at all. I'll ask the rep for an update. Thanks for bumping the thread, tamaroa. 
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I am still with you. We are anxious to see what they have to say. It obviously depends on who you talk to. I would love to talk to somebody who does'nt have a boss LOL


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cherash wrote: I am still with you. We are anxious to see what they have to say. It obviously depends on who you talk to. I would love to talk to somebody who does'nt have a boss LOL
Ok cool, cherash.If I don't hear from our rep by tomorrow, I will emal him again. I don't want to spam him since I sent one yesterday. Thanks for your patience. 
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I just had to comment. I knew someone...know someone who won all the time at this casino, took lots of money out here and other casinos. But this is what I call lucky, lol. Anyway, after winning for some time, they closed their account. I have heard stories like that but nothing like not winning as the complaint. But I'm with you, I have deposited once or twice, played plenty of tournaments... only won one. Actually got to 2600.00, 11th place in the one going on today, like twice, up and down and still could not get into 5th place and up. I just gave up.


I just think somebody needs to hold them accountable, especially when it is an obvious fraudulent practice.


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The rep will be getting back to me today with any news on your situation, cherash ..... if there is any as he has not heard back from the people investigating it.


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Ok so, the rep says that they cannot find any issues with your account because it is very difficult on their end to find something without more information BUT they are still looking into it. He is asking for more information such as the day, month and the tournament name. And, since you have a friend who this happened to also, he would like to know if you can supply me with her account info so they can look and see what her situation was and how it was resolved. They have escalated this to WGS (the software provider)so I don't want you to think they are blowing this off. They really want to get to the bottom of it but can't without more info. You can PM your friend's info to me. Thanks cherash!


I think I printed out the chat session and will look for it again. I will get back to you with friends info. She called them when it happened to her and was credited back the money right away. Thanks again


Hey Mben,I to am very interested in how this goes as this will determine if I deposit at LS again.I like this casino and I hope they do right by cherash.


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signman48 wrote: Hey Mben,I to am very interested in how this goes as this will determine if I deposit at LS again.I like this casino and I hope they do right by cherash.
I will definately update this thread when I hear back from cherash with the info the rep is asking for. Hopefully their team can find something but without more info, it will be difficult. If it all boils down to this, whether you will deposit again or not, I believe this is an isolated incident and not common practice by the casino. 


Hello, i have not found the copy of the chat but will continue to look. i did find a notation of when it happened Sept. 5th, 2012 and my friends user name is cinsfun.


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cherash wrote: Hello, i have not found the copy of the chat but will continue to look. i did find a notation of when it happened Sept. 5th, 2012 and my friends user name is cinsfun.
I'll send this info off, cherash. Thanks!


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Mben wrote:
cherash wrote: Hello, i have not found the copy of the chat but will continue to look. i did find a notation of when it happened Sept. 5th, 2012 and my friends user name is cinsfun.
I'll send this info off, cherash. Thanks!
cherash, the rep cannot find your friend's account with that user name. He needs an account number. 


There are a lot of scams on gambling. Even recycling allures criminals. Millions of dollars are lost per year to <a href="http://www.matchfinancial.com/">recycling fraud</a>, such as where fraudsters unlawfully cash in recyclable containers like aluminum cans in states that pay people for it, such as California, Maine and Michigan.


First off I only blame myself for continuing to deposit my hard earned money to a FRAUD of a casino like LIBERTY SLOTS.. So haters and whoever wants to try and stick up for this casino Please don't bother... I just want people to know the truth and not make the mistake and waste your money here....ALL I have to say is Ive made over 150 deposits all on different days of atleast $50 or more, yes you heard right 150 deposits.. NEVER and I repeat NEVER come close to cashing out 1 red cent.. Yes I know its gambling and know what im doing but seriously 150 deposits, come on the law of averages you think I would have won something.. It became so frustrating that I would keep depositing just too see how long it would take to win.. STILL to this date not 1 cashout.. Say what you want people but it is a scam....


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mouthit, thanks for your input on the forum. It's much appreciated. And please don't take what I say with any offense. I'm just talking out loud. "
You posted a year ago in this thread saying you've lost 30 deposits and now it's 150. I would think that by now, you would have moved onto a casino that has a better ROI. Now I say that like that's what I would have done when in fact, I play at a casino that I have never cashed out from after dumping thousands of dollars into. I probably could have cashed out a couple of times, which is different in your case of never coming close to a cashout but I didn't. That is my fault entirely. "
I think it's time you find a new casino. Search the net, see who is cashing out and where and maybe dump some money into that casino. If you enjoy gambling online, there's nothing worse than one casino leaving a bad taste in your mouth when there are winners at other casinos that you may like just as well as Liberty Slots. I'll suggest Intertops Classic Casino. Belgamo had a nice cashout there recently. Personally, I play between 3 different casinos and not just 1. I don't know if you played exclusively at LS but I think you need a break from them. "


Mben wrote: mouthit, thanks for your input on the forum. It's much appreciated. And please don't take what I say with any offense. I'm just talking out loud. You posted a year ago in this thread saying you've lost 30 deposits and now it's 150. I would think that by now, you would have moved onto a casino that has a better ROI. Now I say that like that's what I would have done when in fact, I play at a casino that I have never cashed out from after dumping thousands of dollars into. I probably could have cashed out a couple of times, which is different in your case of never coming close to a cashout but I didn't. That is my fault entirely. I think it's time you find a new casino. Search the net, see who is cashing out and where and maybe dump some money into that casino. If you enjoy gambling online, there's nothing worse than one casino leaving a bad taste in your mouth when there are winners at other casinos that you may like just as well as Liberty Slots. I'll suggest Intertops Classic Casino. Belgamo had a nice cashout there recently. Personally, I play between 3 different casinos and not just 1. I don't know if you played exclusively at LS but I think you need a break from them. IMHO
:beard: sorry i usually do not chime in but i had to reply. Liberty slots casino is a thumbs down for me. Years of playing and i could not even win one tournament and when i did come close once something happened to my gae play and i could not get back in.I gave up and deleted them long ago :bonk:

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