Well friends we have hit another big blip in the road, well it seems big to me but probably laughable to most. They ended up shutting off the cable/net/phone last thursday but i gotta it turned back on with the last of our funds, now some might say why waste the last money you have on that and the answer is because i need the computer for work if and when i get a job and i need it for sending out my resume etc so it was important to get it back on it wasn't just a frivolous expense. So now the issue is making it food wise until the first, i tried the local food bank and they gave us 1 pack of spaghetti noodles, a cold pizza from Little Caesars that had been sitting there all day and a french roll bread and a package of dried cherries and that was for 5 adults,if it wasn't so sad it would be laughable. I can't ask for more from any of our friends and supporters here but and this is a big but,lol, if you can help with some grocery funds so we make it until the first would be great.If not we can all go on a diet i guess,lol