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No Deposit Forum 2018 Christmas Contest - Closes 12-27-18.gif


Dear Santa,

I should win a hundo cause I am degenerate gambler. Santa this is a casino forum!
Santa! Year 2018 I have never cashed out once! santa! I never win, I cant win , casue why cause I play to lose. that SANTA is called a degenerate,. lol. Santa I am only being honest here, me writing this letter to you santa, (most likely will get a pm by mod, sayin I don't qualify, lol, ) win or lose SANTA just want you to know, that avatar of joker on the left , that's meeee! j/k seriously SANTA , if you hear me.
then hollla (with that hundo) .

Dear forum admins and mods and all members:

HAPPY HOLIDAYZ!! I REALLY ENJOY THIS FORUM, AND THE MODS ARE THE SWEETEST AND ALWAYS WELCOMING. I use to play online poker when it was the era of "poker boom" winning player. Never in my life would of thought ever to put money on online casinos. in my mind its all programmed for us to lose?
poker at least im playing agst other players, real people, . anyways what im saying is, this is the 1st year I have put money on casino online, and just calculated my deposits 2018 losses. guess what I have never cashed out from online casino.
I know what it is, its my Degen behavior at the same time fun and entertaining,
but seeing my total loss, I neeed to really stop and set goals, cause I have addicted personality, mind whatever, been an addict etcetc.. but honestly cant win at the end. MORE MORE MORE that's an addict.and program machines, is designed for us to get stuck. I know I know NO BIBLE SERMONS.
JUST wanted to get this out, and WHAT I WANTED TO say is THANK YOU TO THIS FORUM WHO GIVES US TO GET some of our losses back from deposits.
setting goals for 2019, obv CHUCKIN MY LAPTOP OUT THE WINDOW, lol
and my phone, any electronics, lol im gonna go amish. lol honestly, JUST WANT TO SAY HAPPY HOLIDAYZ NDF! and MAKE 2019 BETTER THEN 2018.

and thanks for listening to my blahblahblah,


Thank you @bonz7777 for being the first entry into the contest!

Wishing you Happy Holidays as well, and thank you for the kind words about Mben and myself. We do certainly try to make our forum great.

Thank you for being a loyal member.
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I know what it is, its my Degen behavior at the same time fun and entertaining, but seeing my total loss, I neeed to really stop and set goals, ...

... setting goals for 2019, obv CHUCKIN MY LAPTOP OUT THE WINDOW, lol and my phone, any electronics, lol im gonna go amish. lol honestly,


Hey bonzzz, Happy Holidays to you also! Super happy we are here for you, and the gambling community.

You are not alone, my friend. I haven't cashed out this year either. My degen behavior is like yours. I play for fun without thinking I'm going to cash out ... until I hit a big one, which has not happened for a while. Ugh. lol

Your comment about you going Amish made me lol. I took my grandson to Amish country in Pennsylvania earlier this year. I gave him the whole spiel about the Amish, and mainly that they don't use electricity, modern technology, etc. Well, come to find out, they do. We went to a market where lights lit up the shops, and cash registers & credit card machines were being used. Before we got there, we were joking that we'd see a man riding a stationary bike behind the shop to run a generator or something to that effect. To quote my then 10 year old grandson ... "The Amish are fake!" :lol:

Anyway, I prolly won't break down every member's post like this. I just related a lot to yours, plus you are our first participant. Yay for that! :)


Dear Santa,
Oh my goodness, what a year. Death, birth, finances gone haywire, broken down cars, broken foot, I started a novel (200 pages and counting!) so much to reflect on. The thing is, no matter what happens, good or bad, there are always life lessons to be learned from them. That's so easy to forget in the midst of the seemingly unrelentless barrage of chaos, but we learn them whether we realize it or not. It's up to us to remember that we are all human beings with human emotions and the power to overcome those times that come that we wish had never done so. That's what needs to be realized by each of us individually so different, and so to are how we react. Santa, I wish for my year passed to be one that I can reflect on with knowing that I did learn the lessons I needed to learn, correctly and wisely going forward into the new year, and years, to come. May I never lose sight of what it is to be human, a meaningful one, that will be remembered by others when it is my turn to have the lights dimmed in my God given life. May I please have learned what it is that makes us those individual beings capable of helping others, and I pray I do my best to do just that. We can not live our lives individually, it will always require others to do so whether it be for emotional support, learning from their experiences, financially at times perhaps, but just to at least know that we are not alone.
May God bless us all and the beautiful Earth he made for us to be together on, whether we like it or not, we are in need of each other and I pray that all of us figure that out at least at some point. It's never to late to give ourselves to others however it is that we can do so.
May our lives be made better for and from each other. May the new year bring joy and happiness to all of us as well, along with those life lessons being reflected on correctly, and positively for a better future.
Thank you Santa for bringing the joy and happiness into our lives with just knowing that you bring smiles to our faces just thinking about Christmas. May that once a year spirit live on everyday for all of us as well.

P.S. Can I please win this year on my slots???


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Dear Santa,

I have been working my buns off and being sick to boot. I have not had anytime or money for myself the bills get all my funds. Even though i am broke i still manage to feed animals and help the needy when i can. It seems as the years pass i am just getting more and more down. I have had a streak of bad happen in 2017 losing my brother who was a Veteran and my dog Tonka of 16 yrs. I even lost my home. I am still a fighter and i refuse to give up. I take on jobs that drain me and still use what ever energy i have left to take care of my family. If i win i will take the money and for once do something nice for myself. I have not been to the movies in around 2 yrs so i will start there. Also a nice dinner would be welcome. I know that either way i am thankful i am still here to fight because others are not. However it goes win or lose i am wishing the best for everyone and i am thankful for the years i have been a member at NDF. I might not come often but i do come back hence my spirit animal the cat. I sure hope i have 9 lives like my furry friend lol. Thank you Mben and Pam for the chance .


What a beautiful letter indeed @jumboscampi

Thank you for taking the time to write such a heartfelt letter to Santa.

Wishing you a beautiful holiday season and loads of happiness for the new year.
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Oh @cat034 , your letter sounds like you have a heart of gold. You have the smarts to keep what is most important on the top of your list.

May you have a lovely holiday season and many many prayers are sent your way for strength.

Thanks for the letter. Mben, myself and Santa all appreciate it very much.


I have been so lucky and blessed all my life I shouldn't be asking Santa for anything. But I would love to ask a genie for peace of mind in a future contest. And a place to live. A piece of land with trees and a state of the art treehouse would be nice. Would like to give back at least what has come my way. If I don't get flush with money before I die, I will keep on trying to make a difference to others in many little ways. I guess I could leave my body parts (on back of driver's license) but not sure if any one would want them. Something I have only experienced twice in my 62 years. Is laughing so hard I cried. This is one of the best feelings I have experienced, therapeutic, and remember what was so funny made me laugh but I remember where, when, and how great it felt. I could go on but think I've already said too much. Want everyone to be happy !


Just want to correct that was I didn't remember was was said that was so funny. And can I add that if Santa could manufacture that feeling into a pill or candy they'd make great stocking stuffers. Sorry
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I have been so lucky and blessed all my life I shouldn't be asking Santa for anything. But I would love to ask a genie for peace of mind in a future contest. And a place to live. A piece of land with trees and a state of the art treehouse would be nice. Would like to give back at least what has come my way. If I don't get flush with money before I die, I will keep on trying to make a difference to others in many little ways. I guess I could leave my body parts (on back of driver's license) but not sure if any one would want them. Something I have only experienced twice in my 62 years. Is laughing so hard I cried. This is one of the best feelings I have experienced, therapeutic, and remember what was so funny made me laugh but I remember where, when, and how great it felt. I could go on but think I've already said too much. Want everyone to be happy !

Thanks @helwin for entering the contest with your lovely letter.

Happy Holidays to you. Sending good thoughts your way.
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Dear Santa,

All I want for Christmas is for all of our members to enter this fun contest!

I have been a good girl all year long ... so please, please please, will you give me what I want for Christmas?

Thank you, and I love you, Santa! :heart:

Your favorite,




Dear Santa,
It's been a long time since I have been home, but I hope you remember me so I can be choosen to win a prize this year from NDF.
In 1996 as a 7th Grader attending North Pole Middle school, you asked my class for help. That year it seems you had more than your normal amounts of Letters to return and it was my job to send a thank you back to those letters I opened for you. As a "Elf assistant" since I would never sign your name I choose the Elf name: Silverpeach.
Now years later, I still have that nik-name, I still use Silverpeach as my identification and I think I should win a prize for continuing to honor my duty of your 1996 Elf Helper.
Hugs and Kisses,
P.S- When you see my mom and dad, give them a hug for me please!

( NDF- This is the honest to God story of how I created the name Silverpeach so long ago, being from North Pole Alaska has always been my pride in life since it is so unique, and for a 100 dollar prize I would even send photo proof :lol:)


Been a while since I signed in here, not that I don't want to it is just I suffer daily from a lot of illnesses. I love it here, I had been a member of some other gambling forums before and did not like them much. Then I found NDF been a very long time now and love checking in on you guys! I love playing slots online because it really does take the edge off of my everyday pain and it's just fun and takes your mind off a lot of things. So much so that I won a lot of money last month and I don't know if you all have done this but I must have blacked out, lol, because out of all of that money I only cashed out $300, I was sick for days and have been chasing it every since and we know that does not work. Anyway wanted to write this letter to SANTA and to tell him every little bit will help, lol. I hope whoever wins this contest has just as much fun spending it as I do here online. Santa thank you for all the years and all the friends here on NDF.

Have a Merry Christmas NDF!


My name is Kathy and i would like to win because i don't get out much at all, i take care of my parents. They have been married 65 years and they are both in their 80's . My dad had a stroke and he has leukemia. My mom has been taking care of my dad but she has really bad arthritis and she cant get around very good anymore. I am 1 of 7 kids but my siblings don't seem to think they have to help with their care. My dad has taught me so much before he had a stroke , i have more tools them alot of men. We do projects together remodeling their house . this has meant so much to me i cant even tell you how much. I love my parents they have been there for all of us whenever we needed them. I divorced my husband a couple of years ago so i moved in with my parents so i could help them. I don't get out of the house much and when i do it is to take them to doctors app. The only entertainment i get is gambling on line . Dont get me wrong i love taking care of them i just thought maybe i could win this contest and that would really great. I would use the money to buy a new wheel chair for my dad , the one he has is very heavy to load into the car. Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Kathy Taylor
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I have been reading everyone's entry for the contest and it seems like everyone needs a win badly and just like everyone I also want Santa's gift and i just dont want to tell about my health but im not so good too and i only wish that my luck will change cause i have been not very lucky lately and have not been gambling much online and even at local casinos cause I can't go out for some reasons i just wish everything will change for the better and hope that Santa will make it happen for me. Thank You and GoodLuck!


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I'm not sure how to enter this contest but I'd really love to
Hi 27burland!

All you need to do is write a letter to Santa telling him why you should win one of the prizes. Your reason could be happy, sad, silly, whatever it may be.

Looking forward to reading yours!
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Dear Santa,

My name is Bernadette and im not sure if you know me or not. But i still remember when i was a little girl when christmas is coming i make sure i was one of the nicest little girl coz my mama always tells us Santa will bring you a gift the night before xmas if he sees you being nice to everyone. But now im all growned up and i have learned to play casino. And its been 7 years now that i continously playing and making deposits after deposits and never got the chance to withdraw anything. But after the 7 years playing i finally won from the birthday bonus they gave me and i was so excited but saddened coz they told me from the 10 thousand dollars i won i can only withdraw 100 dol and it made me so depressed. I have wasted so much money how i wish i could have just gave it to you instead and you can buys lots of toys for all the children in the world. But its been 2 months now Santa i have not made any deposits to any casino coz i got tired of it. It wasnt fun anymore. Its just sad with all the thousand i have deposited not even one hundred winning came back to me. But since your here Santa perhaps maybe you will choose me as one of the winner. You dont have to yelled it out you can whisper it to me or perhaps you can leave it on the stocking that i hang just for you. Merry christmas santa and to everyone in the forum. May my wish come true on this xmas.
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I'm excited to see all the letters written to Santa, and that you all are sharing your heartfelt stories with us.

Thank you to all! :heart:
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Dear Santa,
Let`s be honest, shall we? We BOTH know I was a very bad girl this year and am at the top of your naughty list. I had a great deal of fun making it to the number 1 spot, so I am ok with it :lol:. So, since we both know I wont be getting anything this year because of my past behavior:pants: ( I can`t help it, sorry Santa )I would instead like to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas and I really hope whoever gets the prize can use it in a good way, after having a drink for me, ok Santa Baby? HOHOHO y`all:cane:
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Ruler of Western Civilization's Geeky Nerds
Hi Santa,

My name is PSP and I've been a bad boy and don't really deserve a Christmas present (or to win the NDF contest), but I think that you should reconsider my case. Compared to everyone else on this website, I am deserving simply based on the deadbeats on my Fantasy Football team. These high paid low-lifes who managed to underperform for nearly the entire season caused me to do bad things. The check kiting and extortion really wasn't my fault. I will take credit (or blame) for the petty crimes that I committed - larceny, burglary, and counterfeiting. On the positive side, I've never done anything that has negatively affected anyone else - just myself.

Did I mention that I have a VERY vivid imagination and that none of the things that I just talked about are real? :thumb:

OK, so I am embarrassingly boring, but I still only want two things for Christmas - World Peace...... and a pony!

Santa, you can keep the $100 and give it to someone more deserving than me - OK, we both know that there isn't anyone more deserving than me for trying to entertain the pendejos on this website, but I'm sure that you will find one of these sob-stories to be more compelling than my diatribe worthy of a slot on "Queen for a Day" (oops - I just seriously dated myself :surprise:)

Thank you in advance Santa. I know that you will do the right thing!


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