Dear Santa,
Well, where to start as to why I should win 1 of the $100 prizes...idk.
I'm sure that there are going to be other letters that are better than mine. I'm sure there are going to be more deserving entrants to this contest than me. I'm rather unextraordinary. That's not to say that I am suffering from low self-esteem, or have a defeatist attitude. That's just the truth. Santa, my health is pretty good. I'm engaged to my best friend. I have 4 children that are happy, healthy, and taken care of, and because of my promiscuity in my younger days, 3 of them get to have 2 Christmas's. That's great for the children, right? I do everything I can to keep the 3 different mother's of my children happy. I really do, Santa. I just opened up my house to my adult sister, who just went thru a bad break-up. But, these things don't make me anymore deserving of a prize than someone else. I'm supposed to do all these things. I'm supposed to be a good father and brother. I'm supposed to be a respectful and encouraging co-parent. I'm supposed to take care of my mind and body and be healthy. Santa, I just simply cannot win on my accolades, because I am unextraordinary. I'm normal. Better yet, I'm responsible. So, why write, if I'm undeserving? Well, because I think I'd like to win for my best friend. You know, Santa, the 1 I'm engaged to. She's amazing and beautiful and as undeserving I am of winning this contest, I'm equally undeserving of her love and companionship. Not because I don't deserve it (b/c check out the guy in the profile pic....I, but because in my plain, normal, responsible life, she excels in many things. She also welcomed MY sister into OUR home. My sister, whom she's never met. She plays her part perfectly as step-mom to my 3 girls (2 teenagers) and 1 boy. These are not her children by blood, yet she is as perfect as a co-parent as I'll ever be with. And, she wants to be here. She wants to participate. She doesn't shy away or become jealous or confrontational realizing that nearly every single day, I am dealing with 1 of 3 different women that I've had intimate relations with. I have to co-parent with them. My best friend does not. She chooses to. She chooses all this. She accepts my "baggage". That's why I don't deserve her. But, I do have her, and I could never repay her enough. But, Santa, maybe, just maybe an extra $100 would pay for a spa-day, or dinner at her favorite fondue restaurant, or a nice shopping afternoon. Santa, it could also help alleviate some of the fund-dentage that Intertops does to our savings....juskidding, Santa ($100 won't solve that

) and therefore kindof show her that there is a bit of positive results that come from online gaming, and like websites. Anyway, Santa, I'm not extraordinary, but my best friend is. I want to win this for her. And, Santa, I promise to update you, with "proof-postings" if I need to, that this $100 will be spent of my fiance'. Win or lose, thank you NDF (and Santa) for the opportunity with this contest, and thank you for providing a forum for me to plug the love of my life. Merry Christmas!!