Woo hoo! Thanks for the lift off, Leslie!24. 1371
.... and 12 landed without walking.
24 total!
Prove it! bahaha!24 ….4574 yes we really did go to the moon
You know what they say. "A picture is worth a thousand words."
I told my daughter what today was and she says "It's only been 50 years?!" I was 4 when it happened. Knowing I was alive when this major "first" happened makes me feel really old. I don't know why, but it does. Kind of like how I perceive people (as old) who were alive when color TV was first introduced. (And after searching that, I see it was around my birth year here in the USA. I'm old. lol)Even if you weren't born yet, you need to watch the documentary coverage of this monumental event in human history. This was one of the great "First"s - and it happened in many of our lifetimes...
Did you see the movie 'First Man' with Gosling?
Here's "... to the moon Alice... 24? Do the chimps count?
I guess I meant that 12 walked on the moon while 12 others flew there in the mission but didn't actually walk on it.Say what?!?!?
You mean that they landed on the moon, but didn't go outside? That would be a big NO!
Of course, I'm not an official judge on this contest (even if I suggested the question) - just commenting on the second half of your answer....
Our 'Free to Enter' Moon Landing contest closes tomorrow at 12:30 PM EDT tomorrow.
Get entered while you can!
I'm still waiting for robsspot3131 to answer so I can go TPIR on him!