winaday coltontablet30
12 /31 $30
12/31 $30
1/03 $30
1/08 $30
1/08 $25
1/09 $25
1/12 $25
1/21 $30 _ total $225 i thinking rite so that would mean i get to pick 8 numbers if i wrong i sorry but if iam rite then can i please pick/have ............................................................................
1870 2902 3698 4116 5005 6252 7891 8765
i hope i did this rite and i wish
to all the others that are taking advantage ofd this great contest that is fun and easy even i can do it lol .....................
ps Winaday is now once again offer there daily tournament seem like they stop over the holiday but they are back and just wanting to share the news with others i didnt make the top ten list today but i was 5th place win in yesterday s tournament and that earned me a free $50 just for having a good time so if u haven't def would recommend checking them out