Check out this picture I took yesterday evening! I had no idea what it was and even stopped a passerby to look at it to make sure my eyes weren't buggy from working on the PC all day. I sent the picture to our local news station here in Tucson. They have a See It, Snap It, Send It program so that's what I did. I saw, I snapped and I sent. And I wasn't the only one who sent the same picture in. There were a few other viewers who sent and asked the same question I did. What is it? I got a reply! Here's the answer to my question! Good morning Michele, Other viewers have asked about that shadow in the sky. It may be a shadow from the mountain or a cloud. Below is a link to a dramatic picture of a mountain shadow cast by Mt. Ranier. <a href="" ></a>
These shadows are also known as crepuscular or anti-crepuscular rays. It looks like it is a crepuscular ray (appears to converge in the sky near the location of the sun below the horizon) in the photo but it's a little hard to tell. Below is one of Chuck's Weather 101 stories about anti-crepuscular rays. <a href="" ></a> Here are some of the other pictures that my fellow Tucsonians (or is it Tucsonites? lol) took yesterday. Does it look the same as the Mt Ranier shadow ?

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