MBen,The Crazy Horse is just what you thought it is; a Gentlemen's club/ a strip joint, whatever you want to call it. Yeah, I was one of the first here in Vegas to go topless (the first girl to do so here in Vegas was a girl named Joy. She did it for kicks at Larry's Villa in 1975, and it took off from there), although, believe it or not, I did it because I LOVED to dance, and if you ever see the stage there, it was huge, and I could dance my heart out, fly across that stage on 4 stillettos, and make a lot of money too! I know many have a preconceived notion that strippers are hookers, bad women, etc., but that is not the case, although there are some that gave us a bad name.I never dated any of the customers, had a boyfriend, and a homelife, yada, yada, yada. I fact, my life was backwards: Partied and danced from 1975, to 1984, then decided I was going to be a single mother, by choice: had David when I was 32, got my associates degree at 34, (3.96 GPA, btw), got a straight job at a lawyers office, had a ten year career as a paralegal, then David died in 2006. When he died, I lost my mind, and have not worked since. So there it is, in a nutshell.I'm writing a book, as my life has been VERY interesting, and I made a lot of mistakes that no woman should ever make, so if I put it out there, maybe some young naive woman won't do some of the STUPID things I did, like trust my boyfriend, pay off a 1/2 acre of land that we used as collateral to build a custom house on, then have him put the house in his name only. Oh yeah, I was that dumb! $205,000 house, and I got nothing out of it. Live and learn, I guess. Anyway, Be well,Loni