Your search - Powered by SightMax Welcome to, Jack will be right with you. Jack How may I help you this afternoon? Visitor can i talk to jane? Jack Ok just a moment while I transfer you Visitor ok' Jack transferred the chat to Jane. Visitor hello agian Jane,i just talked to you.i still didnt get the 27$? Visitor ? Visitor hello Jane yeah, I wondered what happened! I will send a message to our technicians to report this error, it may take up to 48 hours to get a reply, please check back then. Thank you. Visitor no you said the same the other day Visitor i want to talk to a manager Jane we have been working on our bonuses that is why we need to report this errors Visitor you just told me in five minutes it would be in there? Visitor you lied. Visitor . Visitor ? Visitor hello? Jane it should be working!, that is why I just sent a message to our technicians because we need to report this Visitor you did yesterday Visitor can i talk to a ,manager Visitor ? Visitor ? Jane Ok at the moment some of our customers are not able to claim it we are working on it so you can received it. This process is been worked by management and it will take up to 48 hrs Jane none of our supervisor are available on the chat if you want to talk to a supervisor you will need to contact us at 1800.346.1697 Visitor ok Visitor i will thanks agian Jane you are welcome Jane is there anything else I can do for you? Visitor no - did not return any Web search results.