You've never pissed me off more than right now STR8LAGGER! oh ya its okay Im playing against a girl!!!!! I'll use that as my basis for thinking I'm gonna win this week because I'm playing queenmap! Will I win cuz I'm gonna be playing against a girl?!?!?!? Huh? Huh? Is that theory correct?!?!?! FFS!We'll play again buddy (and I am using that term loosely!) And when we do .... WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!STR8LAGGER wrote: I know you just loved that game we played last week MBenYou benched all your good players roflmao I was worried for a sec there too then I remembered oh ya its okay Im playing against a girl!!!!!LOLOL J/K kinda but not really hehehe
Were you ... what's that phrase ... taken aback when you read my reply, STR8LAGGER?STR8LAGGER wrote: roflmao...
Yeah, yeah, yeah queenmap! Right back atcha!queenmap wrote:Well, well Michelle...looks as though my Fantasy team and my Vikings did it today! Twice in one day for a smack down! WOOT!!!!! It's technically not official but might as well be since I still have a player to play tomorrow nights game and I am already ahead in points.
I was kind of covered either way. If Stafford and the Lions went off, I'd get a bunch of points from them - if not, I'd get a bunch of D points from da Bearspeteyweestro wrote: This week again made me sick, going into last nights game me and PSP are like 1 point differant he has 4 players going vs my 2 and my 2 outplayed his except he did have the bears d and that ultimatly killed me.