My best friend is having a birthday party today and right now I have no money to even buy myself something more than food right now. Any ideas what I can do with this situation? Please help guys. Maybe some good ideas for a present?
I've been there Reksai

Off the top of my head? How about hand written coupons written in colorful markers for something you can do for them that you know they would like? Yes, it is what I used to do for my parents as a child when I couldn't buy gifts but I have used this idea more than once in my adult life as well. It is sweet, practical and comes from the heart. What do you do well? Cook, clean, babysit, garden, sew, drive, shop? Whatever it is, create a unique gift certificate and make what you do the gift that you give. A weekend of babysitting, a day of housecleaning, six hours of errand running—you get the idea.
I have also looked around my house for something special to me that they would like and wrapped that up.