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How are you feeling today?


A Mommy Machine
skfalqt314 wrote: Does anyone else here feel like, sometimes, that their friends and old lovers and family are moving on with their lives, while yours is just sitting there, waiting for something to happen? That's how I am feeling today.
 Yesssss. I feel like that quite often. I am waiting for something to change, or happen for the better, however,I try to take each day at a time, and only god knows what tomorrow brings...It is what it is, is what I say each day...Just like Mben said, if you want to talk about it, I am here, and I wish you the best of luck with everything!


My day started out really good, all I can say now is......."
God I believe you won't give me more than I can handle, I just hope I don't let us both down. I could use some help right now, PLEASE!!!


Tomorrow they pick up the garbage and I am too tired to go out there and fill them up. I love garbage time. I may have to get up 3:00 to finish my part, cause I sure hate to miss out. Other than that it's too long for explaining how losy I feel. I'm sure there's adifferent thread for airing my complaint about getting screwed over by a casino. I did manage to buy a pack of smokes. First time in my life I bought a brand other than my Marlboros and one I never even heard of. It's better than nothing. Husband seems pretty happy, must be because I'm not. Skfalqt314 I am so sorry about kitty, don't know what I'd do if time comes for us. Hopefully better days ahead guys.


Good Morning:I am up and ready for another great day.  I am so enjoying my time at NDF and all the fun things we do here. I want to thank everyone again for the warm welcomes I have recieved.  It is official, I LOVE it here, and want to stay forever. As far as the land casino went last night, it was another BUST   I did manage to have long enough to get a beer and smoke a cig, but thats about it.  The games were just not cooperating. Today is beautiful here, and seeing as I didnt get any yard work done yesterday as I planned, I will try to get some of it done today. I am sending good thoughts to everyone here, and wishing them a perfect Monday.                                                                                                           Pam
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A Mommy Machine
Ugh...I went to bed angry, and I woke up that way. I won't get into the details, just that it is what it is, and it's never going to change...I feel like I have done my best to make the situation different, and it seems like I am wasting my time. So, now what?"
Anyway, it's a new day, and I am going to make the best of it. It's all I really can do at this point. My kids are home from school for 2 weeks, and I need all the strength I can get.."
I am blessed with beautiful children, and some good people in my life, and I am grateful for that."
I hope as the day contiues, my mood improves. I don't have much to do today besides clean up and get some more writing done. "
Hope everyone is having a blessed day
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Well, I fell asleep kind of early last night, 10:00 pm and woke up early 5am but fell back to sleep a couple of hrs after that. With all that sleep, I should be having a pretty good Monday. "
Well guess what? I am!!! It's quiet around the house today because Mikey isn't here. I love that lil man so much but I love my quiet house even more at times. "
Have a great rest of your Monday everyone!!!
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Morning All:It's pretty early here in Michigan, But I am up and coffee is on. I feel great today, and it is going to be beautiful out.  A 85 degree day here in Michigan in September.  I'll take it. What are my plans today?  To enjoy NDF and get out and enjoy some of the sunshine, while it lasts.   (Good thing I didnt pack away my shorts yet for the winter. hehehe.)Wishing everyone a beautiful day...                                                                                      Pam 
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A Mommy Machine
I have to go to the Dr. I simply can't take this headache thing anymore, and I am officially blind in my left eye. I am waiting for a call back from the office to see if I can get in today, and I better."
I was supposed to go thursday, but I can't take it anymore. I have been smiling through the headaches, but it's just not possible to anymore...DAMMMMMMMN it hurts."
Other than my head about to explode, I feel pretty good..lol"
My kids are behaving, my housework is done, and bills are paid..."
I will keep you all posted.


MommyMachine wrote: I have to go to the Dr. I simply can't take this headache thing anymore, and I am officially blind in my left eye. I am waiting for a call back from the office to see if I can get in today, and I better.I was supposed to go thursday, but I can't take it anymore. I have been smiling through the headaches, but it's just not possible to anymore...DAMMMMMMMN it hurts.Other than my head about to explode, I feel pretty good..lolMy kids are behaving, my housework is done, and bills are paid...I will keep you all posted.
 MM: Please do get to the doctor, and find out what is causing this awful headache you have.  Headaches are the worst, and can make us miserable. Please know I am thinking of you and hoping your headaches go away soon. Please let us know what the doctor says if you can.                                                                                           Pam


A Mommy Machine
Well, I can't get in today, and now I am a little pissed off. They expect me to go in today to sign a release form, and when I tell them I can't drive because I am blind in one eye, she tells me, well we can't see you then.WTF! Sooooo I am in the process of finding another Dr. to help me, and that may take a couple of days. I will just grin and bear it I guess. When my husband gets up I may go hibernate until he has to go to work. Sleep seems to help, I just hate to sleep the day away, especially when I know he is sick too. What to do, oh what to do?Anywho, don't worry about little ole me, I will get to the bottom of this eventually. I just hope it's not something super serious. Who knows..so now we wait...On a lighter note, I am making macaroni and cheese for lunch in case anyone was wondering...I hope everyone is having a blessed day
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Aww so sorry you are in pain today MM.Get some rest and get to the docs as soon as you can.I hope everyone elses days is going good.Tony


At the tone, the time will be....4:31AM. BEEP Morning all:Going to be one of those days I wake up so early, that I die about noon. Woke up 3:30am, and am already drinking coffee to start my day.  I do like to watch the sun come up outside with a cup of coffee, and a smoke.  Does me good. Weather man has promised another beautiful day for us here in Michigan.What will my day bring? Some errands, and some company for coffee this AM. Hoping everyone is sleeping better than me this AM. Have a wonderful day........                                                                                         Pam
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So sorry that you are not feeling well mommy, maybe it is just stress, with all you have on your plate right now, that would be perfectly understandable! Hope you feel better soon."
I am with you on the insomnia Pam, my day normally starts between 3 & 4, and this morning, like the last 2 mornings, I have woken up to Iron Man, as my autistic son is on the Iron Man kick at present. It makes him more hyper than a cup of coffee!"
Yesterday I spent some quality time with my 11yr old bully. We put on the boxing gloves and went out in the yard! LOL Lets just say, I got lots of excercise as she ran away from me almost the whole time! She did get a few good shots in on my broken hand LOL, but of course, she'll never know that. Other than a little pain from that, the day is pretty good so far, maybe it will stay that way!"
Have a good day everyone, and lots of luck!


A Mommy Machine
I am going to the Dr. today, and I am scared to death. I have been waiting to go, and now that I am actually going, I would rather not. You know how that feels right? I know whatever is wrong cannot be a good thing, soooo I guess part of me would rather not know. "
I woke up in excruciating pain again this morning, and if I take any more meds my liver is going to shut down..Not really, but it seems like I take alot of Ibuprofen lately. I have had my coffee, and now I am on the verge of a panic attack, I can feel it coming any minute."
Sooooooo I am going to try and relax, and wait until my cab comes to get me, and hopefully this Dr. won't be a jerk. I have never seen him before, and I really don't know what he is going to do, but order the tests. Better than nothing though, right?"


Good Morning:It is going to be another beautiful day here in Michigan for September. 80 and warm.I think I will have one last cook out today, invite some friends,  and enjoy the weather.  I have a nice big back yard that is fenced in and very private, so it is always fun to spend time outdoors. I feel great today.  Didn't get as much sleep as I would of liked, but nothing a cat nap wont fix later on.  Some nights I just can't get myself off this computer, as I am always looking for freebies. I look forward to each day here at NDF with my friends.  They are what make it the best place to be. Wishing everyone a beautiful day.                                                                                               Pam
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With the time difference we all have, it's funny to me to read how someone's day is gonna happen because by the time I get in here, half of their day is already over. LOL"
Pam, I hope you are having a beautiful day."
My day is just fine so far. It's gonna be hot again but nothing AC can't fix. lol Nothing too exciting is going to or should happen today for me. Just another Thursday. "
Have a FANTASTIC day everyone! "


A Mommy Machine
I feel good today, today is payday, and that is always a good thing."
I plan on cleaning up a little bit, getting the last of my reviews done, and hopefully a little bit of spinning later on."
My kids are home from school so maybe I will take them swimming after I go to the gym later..."
The Dr. went ok I guess, he asked a million questions, and didn't seem too concerned about the whole going blind thing, soooo we will see if these meds work. Last night I took one of the meds he gave me, and I was so messed up I didn't know what was going on . Thank God Nicky was here to help with the kids..."
Today I got a dozen of bright pink roses from Nicky, and a new purse!!!!! Zebra print babyyyyyyyyyy! Loves it."
I hope everyone has a blessed day
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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MommyMachine wrote: Today I got a dozen of bright pink roses from Nicky, and a new purse!!!!! Zebra print babyyyyyyyyyy! Loves it.
You are soooooo loved!!! Lucky Girl!! All I got today was an Ultimate Cheeseburger from Jack in the Box. Oh wait and an order of tacos. I guess he loves me too! lol  


Good Morning NDF.Warm and windy day here in Michigan.  I hit the hay early last night for me, about 9pm. Couldnt keep my eys open.  About 3am I moved to the couch as my dogs had the whole bed. What did they do? They followed me to the couch.  I can't win.  I feel great today. I just cant help but be in a good mood. Life is so short, you have to let the little things go and concentrate on all the things that are important. Didn't have my cookout yesterday, I had to many other things going on, and my friends were busy anyways. Guess next time I better ask them ahead of time.  Still, I was able to enjoy the outdoors everytime I stepped out for a ciggy, which is usually alot. Wishing everyone a beautiful day.                                                                                           Pam
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Wow, the last time I got flowers, they were Roses from my rose bushes, I guess that says a lot for a man who can only walk a few steps! I am happy with it! "
My kids are all gone to school, except for the 2 that don't go to school, and they, like my hubby are still asleep. This is my favorite part of the day! It is quiet, the dryer is running, lawnmowers across the street are cutting the grass so I can go out and smell the fresh smells of the day! I LOVE the smell of fresh-cut grass, almost as mush as the smell of the salt in the air when we go fishing and watch the sun rise over the ocean!"
It is going to be a good day, even if I have to turn off the ringer today! LOL Because tomorrow, quiet time will be hard to come by with 7 kids in the house who love to argue more than breathe!!!"
Have a great day everyone!


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How am I feeling today??? No comment!
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I am home now so not really sure if that is a good thing or not. Wish I was somewhere else, maybe Hawaii. Had a scare yesterday, was driving home from the store and had to call 911 thought my appendix had burst. That is something I don't want to relive. Was in the hospital by myself not knowing what is going on. The good thing is I didn't have to have surgery, not yet. Will see how things go. "
Going to get some real sleep now. Have a wonderful day everyone!


A Mommy Machine
I feel good today, I got a cold, but it's not a big deal. I was expecting it, because the 2 Nickys already had one."
I had a great night last night with my hubby, we watched TV, ate pizza and wings, and went to bed at a decent time. My head didn't hurt that much yesterday, which is a good thing. I woke up pretty early today and I wish I would have slept in a little bit."
I went shopping, and got a whole bunch of stuff for the kids..Love doing that. Today should be pretty easy going. Gonna get some more reviews done, and see what the rest of the day brings. Another cup of coffee is calling my name "
Hope everyone is having a blessed day
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A Mommy Machine
Here is a pic of my pretty flowers...they are really brighter than they look here...still beautiful though.  
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Oh what a beautiful Morning....Oh what a beautiful dayI got a beautiful feelinnggggEverythings go'in my way..... Morning gang:Brrrr, the nice weather we had here in Michign has left the building, and it is nippy here this morning.  Not a problem, I'll put on a sweater.  Still refuse to turn my furnace on. he he heAhhh, a Saturday.....Always a good day for alot of folks. Off from work, and can get a few things done around the house.  Then comes Sunday, a day of rest and relaxation. I have no plans for today, and that is the way I like it.  Going to hang out at NDF with my friends , and search the world over for free chips and tourneys.  It's my life, haha, what can I say.  I'm happy. Wishing everyone a super awesome terrific day....                                                                                             Pam


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How pretty your flowers are, mommy. "
My day should be much better than yesterday, I hope. "
It will be because my munchkin is here today and he's getting to the point where he entertains me and himself. He actually sat in the middle of all his toys this morning and played with them like a little boy should. Instead of asking me to do this for him or that for him. Right now he's sitting on the couch with his LeapFrog handheld set playing away ................."
Have a great day everyone! "
Uh oh ............. Mikey's growing up faster than I realized. He just asked me a sip of my coffee.
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