So sorry that you are not feeling well mommy, maybe it is just stress, with all you have on your plate right now, that would be perfectly understandable! Hope you feel better soon."
I am with you on the insomnia Pam, my day normally starts between 3 & 4, and this morning, like the last 2 mornings, I have woken up to Iron Man, as my autistic son is on the Iron Man kick at present. It makes him more hyper than a cup of coffee!"
Yesterday I spent some quality time with my 11yr old bully. We put on the boxing gloves and went out in the yard! LOL Lets just say, I got lots of excercise as she ran away from me almost the whole time! She did get a few good shots in on my broken hand LOL, but of course, she'll never know that. Other than a little pain from that, the day is pretty good so far, maybe it will stay that way!"
Have a good day everyone, and lots of luck!