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How are you feeling today?


Good Morning everyone:Happy Sunday!!! A day for rest and relaxation for so many.  Tonight is my Land Casino trip, and darn it, I am going to win this week.  I love free money night at the land casino, but lately I have not done so well.  I'm gonna go in there tonight and take charge. I had a good night, however when I woke up this morning, the worst possible thing that CAN happen..... DID.  I am out of ciggys, and the bank is closed till Monday, and I dont have my debit card.  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.The sun is shining, the temps are fairly warm here today, and I look forward to another day at NDF.   i just love it here. Wishing everyone a beautiful Sunday.......                                                                                        Pam
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Hope your free money night went well Pam, haven't seen any posts from you this morning, could that be a good sign maybe?"
Your flowers are so pretty MM."
I am hoping for a better day today. The weekend was bad, tempers flaring, kids misbehaving (6 out of 7 of them), nerves are high--Tampa surgery trip 2 days away. Ended the night with an ugly argument with my hubby, woke up late and woke the only well behaved child all weekend up late. Starting the day in tears, but I am hoping and praying for a better day today. Got a call Friday, after 3 years our offer for settlement for the wreck has finally been increased! Waiting for another call today, hoping for good news, one more increase and we settle. Ran out of Valium!!! WHAT TIMING!!!!"
It will be a better day today, I am giving it to God. Don't care bout the money, but sure could use a little harmony!


Good Morning everyone:Yes, I slept in a little this morning. DIdnt get back from the land casino till wee hours this morning.  4am. Luck was back with me last night and I came home with $300 bucks. Had an absolute blast, playing all my favorite games, and enjoying the place with smokes finally, and a cold beer or two.Today will be a great day.  Have a few bills I plan on paying now that I have a little extra money, and as always, look forward to my time at NDF. I love it here so much. What is everyone else going to be up to today? Trish: I read your post, and I sent a wish for you to have a good day. May everything go your way.  Wishing everyone a beautiful day.......                                                                                             Pam
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Greedy Gambler
Bright eyed and bushytailed "
Well, I had to work last night for one of my pregnant coworkers. Was actually dreading it as I closed last Sunday nite also and it was totally not fun! Anyway, glad I did work. With tips I made $17.00 an hr!! Made me very happy!!! Hubby will be coming home every night for about 2 weeks... Don't know if that will be good or bad Normally he leaves Mon am and return home Sat. eve. That's it in a nutshell!!
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A Mommy Machine
I feel good today, this weekend was a little rough for me. I feel better now, well for the most part....sighhhhh"
Today I got busy on some reviews, cleaned up a little, and the kids are starting their weekday Bible School tonight. The are excited."
I got my Dexter fix last night, and I slept well. My husband is going to the Dr. tomorrow so I am a little nervous for him, but I am sure everything will be fine."
Well, that's it for today. I hope everyone has a blessed day
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As far as I can tell, today is starting off to be the best day in about a week. Pam, those must be some pretty powerful wishes you send out, lol! Thanks!"
I need a good day. Got our phone call yesterday, and all is GOOD!!! Pretrial starts on Thursday so lawyer says we should get one more offer today, then he will settle! One of the things we are trying to attempt with our settlement, after talking to quite a few people, some on here, is to open a food bank. I want to give back to some of the people who have helped us through this horribly long 3 years. Hopefully everything will work the way I am planning."
Have a great day everyone!


Greedy Gambler
So glad things are looking up for you! Beautiful day here in MN. Suppose to be up to 75 today and Sunny!! Makes my day!


Thank you krystalkitty. We are having a cold front here, it has been in the 70's for 2 days now! The kids are freezing to death LMAO!!! I LOVE IT!!


WOW, what a crazy morning so far.  I have been all over town and back twice running errands this morning.  Everything took longer than it should of course, and put me behind schedule for my whole day. Now I feel like I will be playing catch up the rest of the day. Regardless, it is going to be a great day.  I slept great, I feel great, and nothing is going to come my way that God and I can't handle.  Kind of a gloomy day here, as far as weather goes. Cloudy and cool out.  I have my favorite hoody on, and I am good to go.  You know what? I was just there, at the land casino, and I want to go again. Does this ever happen to anyone else? You spin, and then want to spin again? he he heWishing everyone an absolute wonderful day.                                                                                                      Pam
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A Mommy Machine
I feel good today, I am a little tired, but you gotta learn to live with that when you have 5 kids!"
I cleaned up a little, drank a gallon of coffee !"
My brother in law may be coming to visit for a couple of days, oh what fun! Other than that, it's a beautiful day, my kids are healthy, and I still have my sanity for the most part "
Looking forward to a good day "
Hope everyone is having a blessed day
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I am feeling great! No complaints yet and if anything comes up that I need to complain about, it'll just have to wait till tomorrow. Nothing is going to mess with this groove I am in.  Life is just way to short to let the small stuff get to you, ya know? Have a fantastic day everyone! 
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I feel great today! I am 40! I have had no sleep, been packing all night, now I have to make chicken salad, and ham salad, shower, clean up a little and run by the school, and then I'm done and off to Tampa. Miss my babies already! (17yr old boys are staying home and keeping their 9yr old brother). That is the hardest part."
Hubby says we are gonna go do something tonight after we get there, so if anyone knows anything about Tampa, cuz I don't, any suggestions would be helpful!"
Have a great day!


Hi everyone:What a cold start to the day here in Michigan.  Brrrrr.  Only going to get worse, so I better not already be complaining about it. I dont have anything to do today like yesterday. I was soooo busy running around, and then I had unexpected company last night.  Company is wonderful to get, it was my Sister, my neice and Nephew.   Family is so important to me. I could do some more yard work, but my heart just inst in it today. hehehe. I'd rather stay here with NDF and visit with my friends. Actually made a deposit yesterday to PLatinum Play Casino, but nothing to make screen shots about.  Sighhhhh. Wishing everyone a terrific day..............                                                                      Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
It was a little brisk this morning here in AZ which was/is very nice! We should be hitting the low 90's for the highs next week. That could only mean one thing ......... winter is coming! Can't wait for those 70 degree days! lol"
I had to get up very early today to go pick up my grandson so if I'm a little cranky, let me apologize now.
Today will be another day just like all the others ........... non eventful. Just like I like 'em."
Have a fantastic day everyone! "
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Hi everyone:Another busy morning for me. Had to get up early to get my dog to the vet. Just a checkup and a vaccination, but then they want to do this, this , and this. hahahaEnded up costing me $169.00 OUCH.   Regardless, they are the best vets in town, and she is in great shape under their watchful eye.Beautiful day here today. Sunny and about 71 degrees.  Cant ask for anything better than that this time of year here in Michigan. I feel great today. Slept good, and look forward to another day here at NDF. TGIF!!!! The weekend is upon us, and I have lots of plans to do some things I have been avoiding, like that yard work I talk about so often. hahahah  I just cant seem to get motivated to do it.  Does anyone else suffer from this?Well, I am off to get some breakfast.  Pizza sounds good to me. Ordered it late last night, and barely touched it.   This morning, I could eat some Pizza.Have a wonderful day everyone.                                                                                              Pam
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A Mommy Machine
I feel ok today, long day yesterday. Dr. appointments and all of that. I didn't get great news, but it is what it is, and I am not going to get all worried until I find out for sure."
I don't have alot to do today, just some housework, laundry, and hang out with the kids. "
Hope everyone has a blessed day
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I feel ok. "
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I am tired! Started the day at 5:15, doc appts. started at 7:30. Appts. were supposed to be over by 12noon, but of course, just my luck, they were not. School called at home, 9 yr old sick with an ear infection, Mommy 300 miles away in Tampa. FINALLY got out of doc at about 1:45. Hit the interstate about 2:30 to come get the sick baby. So now I am at home and hubby's in Tampa with one of the kids! Driving back about 11-12noon tomorrow, gonna TRY to take a nap before doc for the ear, and return trip tomorrow. Hopefully sleep will come soon."
The Laser Spine Institute is truly wonderful, they produce miracles everyday, hope they can give us one too!!!"
Hope everyone has a blessed day!


A Mommy Machine
I feel ok I guess. I don't know what is up with me lately, I don't feel like my happy self. Maybe it's alot of stress, finally taking it's toll on me. I have lots of cleaning to do today, and got to get the kids ready to go back to school on Monday."
I hope the whole day goes by without a headache...but that is some wishful thinking."
Hope everyone has a blessed day
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Trish, I hope you get some, what sounds like, much needed rest. And mommy, you'll snap back into your old self soon. I just know it! How am I feeling today? I feel pretty good. Not great, but good. Ben is going to a funeral this morning of a friend he grew up with. He's the father of a friend of mine's little 11 year old boy. My friend is divorced from her boy's dad so he wasn't around his son a whole lot. This all brought up a conversation between Ben and I (because his friend is his age) which ended up with the two of us saying to each other .......... don't die and answered each other with I'll do my best Did I LOL? Yes I did!That is why I feel good today, because I woke up!! Not great because I needed more sleep.
-- Edited by Mben on Saturday 2nd of October 2010 11:15:47 AM
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How could I forget to post in one of my favorite threads today?  I have no idea. Another one of those Hit the ground running kind of mornings.   Got up at 5:30am, and went right to work doing my daily routine. Today is chilly here in Michigan.  I have an electric fireplace which I just love, and I have that going right now to take the chill off.  It has the look of real flames, and I just love to sit by it, and work here at the forum.  Very cozy indeed.  Today is a good day. Got alot done while I was out, and I feel good.  I am nice and cozy warm in my little house, and the bills are paid.  I do however have to go grocery shopping soon, as my cupboards seem to have alot of room in them. Trish....Get some rest as soon as you can friend.Mommy Machine...I continue to pray for you and hope your feeling better soon. Have a nice rest of the day everyone,                                                                                          Pam
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LOL ...........................................................................
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Good Morning everyone:Happy Sunday!!!  Yes, a day of rest and relaxation, NOT!!!  I have much to accomplish today around this house, and it all involves manual labor.  Ewwww.I am up early again. Recieved a text message from a friend who needed a jump, as her car died in McDonalds parking lot.  So, eyes still sleepy, off I went.  Fixed that problem, and I am back home with NDF. My car needs an oil change today, I HAVE to go to the grocery store, or I'll starve. I have to clean the furnace filter for this year, Cut down my tomoto plants, rake some leaves, and and and....you get the idea. What is everyone else up to today? Sending good thoughts, and wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday.                                                                                                  Pam
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A Mommy Machine
Well I had a rough night, but all is well this morning. I have this stupid pinched nerve in my shoulder, it came out of nowhere. UGH! I hope it goes away soon."
Anyway, I don't have much to do today other than the normal stuff. Clean, laundry, showers, etc. The kids go back to school tomorrow! YAY!!!!!!"
OH and I have a hot date tonight at 9...can anyone guess who with?!?"
Have a blessed day
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Thinks Too Much
Same day different chit and I'm standing in the middle of it as usual!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
Mommy, a date at 9 for me usually means my bed. Get it? I have a date with my bed ? LOL NOT meaning anything else other than that folks! "
How am I feeling today? Overwhelmed and a bit down. I went to sleep thinking about Christmas being right around the corner. That totally depressed me. lol "
But I have a roof over my head and my health and those are probably the 2 most important things in this world. Oh and food. I cannot complain and I will not complain! "
Life is good and only I can make it better so watch out world, here I come!!!!
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A Mommy Machine
I have a date with some stud named Dexter....He is never late, every sunday without fail he is here at 9pm...for the next couple of months anyway...lmao

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