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I'm Making The Switch To E-cigs!


Greedy Gambler
I bought Max Vapour.....with the tobacco flavor @24 mg....not so much liking it...but will continue...still smoking, but cutting back a few cigs a day:) Cold turkey, just too much for me!


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Thanks for the continued tips, dreamypleasures! :biggrin:"
krystalkitty, cutting back a few cigs a day is a great start! Cold turkey is hard. I smoked real ones Sat night. My friend bought me a pack because we were going drinking not remembering what I was trying to stop. But let me tell you, thank goodness he did because I had a feeling drinking with e-cigs was not going to cut it. I don't feel bad about it. I feel awesome about that all the cigs I have not smoked this whole time since July 1st. Here's wishing you GOOD LUCK with your decision! You can do it! :gogirl:


wtg girls. congrats on taking the step kk. woo hoo, I'm psyched. I'm selling my e juice on amazon now. yippee!! <a href="http://www.amazon.com/shops/zagoranaturals">www.amazon.com/shops/zagoranaturals</a> Ladies, don't forget, if you need any vaping supplies, batteries and such, let me know and I'll post my wholesale links. There's really no need to pay retail :) Have a great day. Nina
Hi, beside gambling, I've been trading with GDMFX for almost a month and so far its bringing great return.U guys can go to their website or click the link below to get more info... 


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dreamypleasures wrote: Holy cow. 9 months ciggy free. I can't believe it. How are you girls doing with your vaping journey? :)
WTG, dreamypleasures! :bigclap:I am not going to lie and say I am completely smoke free but I can say I am smoking 95% less than I was. I've bought a pack here and there since July 1st so what I've been doing to keep track is I adjust my banner by adding a day when I buy and smoke a pack. That lessens everything in the banner, the amount of days being smoke free, the amount of money saved and the amount of cigarettes avoided.So since July 1st, (where I would have smoked 15 cigarettes a day every day up till today), I have managed to to be smoke free for over 3 months, saved over $500 and avoided over 1000 cigarettes! It's amazing when you see the numbers. <a href="http://sincemylastcigarette.com/">
</a>I did end up buying a setup and am not smoking the Blue anymore. I stopped at the spur of the moment at our local e-cig store and paid $40 for the whole thing. A battery, 2 clearomizers and the e-juice. Since then I switched to a clearomizer that just needs the wicks changed instead of buying the whole tank. I like that set up so much better. Pinks and purples are my color schemes. My pearl pink battery is so pretty. lol I have also found my favorite flavor. EG's Pina Colada with a splash of either strawberry or sweet pineapple. We have a local sandwich shop called Eegees and they sell these slushy type drinks. One flavor is Pina Colada which is my favorite. Sometimes I get Pina/Strawberry mix. That's the reason I love the e-juice so much. It tastes just like it. This has turned out to be a huge money saver as well as a health saver for me. So happy I made the switch! 
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Calling all smokers! "
I don't know if any of you are members of the Marlboro club but if your are (and I am not positive this is just for members) watch for a mailer from them that has a coupon for their new e-cig. "
I thought it was a disposable e-cig but after using my coupon last night (which was worth $9.99), I see their new e-cig is just like the Blue e-cig. A cartridge that screws on to a rechargable battery. And it comes with a portable USB battery charger too. "
I am impressed they are giving this out for free. They'll get me on the cartridges though. And that is if I were to buy them and use this e-cig. I still have my Blue set up BUT am very happy with my personal vaporizer. "
I was a bit excited that they have this now because I thought I was going to get true Marlboro flavor from their cartridge because I have not found a true cigarette flavor e-juice that I like. Nothing compares to the real thing. The flavor of this new e-cig is too sweet and tobacco-y flavored. But it does give a nice vape. It's actually not that bad. lol"
Anyway, watch for your mailer!


Thank you for all of the information. I was sick with the flu and I have asthma. I was not able to smoke and have been smoking since I was 14, I am now 45. I tried the NJOY menthol, but I am looking for the rechargable one in a set because I think it will be cost effective and a healthier option. I just wanted to say thanks for the information.


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Karen221 wrote: Thank you for all of the information. I was sick with the flu and I have asthma. I was not able to smoke and have been smoking since I was 14, I am now 45. I tried the NJOY menthol, but I am looking for the rechargable one in a set because I think it will be cost effective and a healthier option. I just wanted to say thanks for the information.
You're welcome, Karen. I hope you find the perfect setup for you and that it works out well.Buying a rechargable system is definitely cost effective. My set up has paid for itself so many times over already. And the e-juice is so inexpensive. I went to get a 30ml bottle a couple of days before Christmas which is normally $15 but they were having a sale and I paid $12 for it. I still have 1/3 of the bottle left. That's 22 days since I bought it. A pack of real smokes every other day for me would have cost about $82.50 from then to today.Good luck with kicking the smoking habit. Others will say vaping is smoking too but I don't see any fire involved. LOL


Thanks for the heads up. If you log into your Marlboro account today, you can get a free flashlight. Karen, here is a link to get the evod with the battery super cheap.  <a href="http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-4133458-10934599">http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-4133458-10934599</a>  just search evod.  they come with the replacement wicks too.  hope this helps.


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dreamypleasures wrote: Thanks for the heads up. If you log into your Marlboro account today, you can get a free flashlight.
I claimed my flashlight prize already today!I have received so much free merchandise from Marlboro through the years. One of the coolest was a dart set. It is very nice. I think this flashlight will be cool too.


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Mben wrote:
dreamypleasures wrote: Thanks for the heads up. If you log into your Marlboro account today, you can get a free flashlight.
I claimed my flashlight prize already today!I have received so much free merchandise from Marlboro through the years. One of the coolest was a dart set. It is very nice. I think this flashlight will be cool too.
My free flashlight came today! It's pretty darn cool too. I have gotten so much free stuff from them. You should become a member of theirs, if you're not already, so you can get cool stuff too ... for FREE!!!

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