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Please post current cashout info here


Please post any information Good or Bad in this thread about cashing out at any casinos.Thank you. ahtram88 -- Edited by ahtram88 at 02:42, 2007-06-04-- Edited by Micheleben5 at 21:52, 2007-10-16
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RE: List of Casino's using US Law to delay payments to US

I love the info, but I have one personal note to make. I had a cashout with Blackjack ballroom this week and it only took 2 days.
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RE: List of Casino's using US Law to delay payments to US

Thanks belgamo..... I wanted peoples comments. It is always good to have current update's on anything about cashing out...This was moved from the first post so I could make the thread more general.Quote from online gambling thread article by Simon Goodman. Has anyone experience a delay in Payouts from the following casino's. Could you do me a favor and post what happened. We have had reports or casinos not paying out, we are looking into it and hopefully we will know more in the near future. All those casinos are using the new laws in the US to delay payments. I cannot see any good reason for them to do that.- All Jackpots casino- Grand Prive- Blackjack Ballroom.- Blackjack Casino- Golden palace Casino- Casino Kingdom- English Harbor,- big dollar casino- Lucky Pyramid Casino Quote from Simon Goodman.You can read more about this here : PLEASE ADD ANY COMMENTS ANYONE HAS ABOUT THESE CASINO'S AND CASHING OUT LIKE BELGAMO DID ABOVE. ahtram88-m-- Edited by ahtram88 at 02:47, 2007-06-04
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Cashed out at JackpotCity, took total of 4 days...no problems.
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Pe ge eSue -Tha t is wo nde r ful! <img width="203" src="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r125/ahtram88/congrat.jpg" height="45" style="width:203px;" alt="congrat.jpg">martha
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SEE, maybe its a turning point. Great session. Now give me some of the heat, my reels are frozen. 
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Still waiting for pay out from Mickey's Casino, requested it March 24, 2007.  They say US regulations is the reason for delay.
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They took your money though. What a load of S$%@ !!ekkavan wrote: Still waiting for pay out from Mickey's Casino, requested it March 24, 2007.  They say US regulations is the reason for delay.
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3dice casino, all cashouts in less than 24 hours withy no fax back forms. TOP NOTCH SERVICE !!!!!!!
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Inetbet withdrawal to QT in less thaqn 24 hours. That is the way they all should be , kudos to inetbet
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I have this posted in the Bet Royal thread in the RTG codes and here it is again ..."
I have a $7300.00 pending withdrawal from them at the moment. 11 business days and counting. They said approval in 15 business days. I had claimed a bonus so that's the hold up, so they. 48-72 hr payout if there was no bonus. "
They have received all my Docs and checked my bonus T&C's and all is good, they say."
Also, the manager told me that I will get $1000/wk for 7 weeks as the T & C's states. $2000/wk for VIP players, which I'm not. "
I have heard a lot of negative stuff about the casino and I was hoping with new manager, they have turned around. I let the manager know what I have been reading this stuff on the internet in hopes he may want some good press from me if i get this payout. "
I was told to call back this Fri 10/12 and I will, that's for sure !"
I will keep you updated !-- Edited by Micheleben5 at 22:22, 2007-10-10
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Here's my latest on my Bet Royal cashout: From the new managerThis is 'Mark T'. How can I help you?Mark T: Welcome to Bet Royal Casino Live Help. How may I assist you? Micheleben5: Hi, Micheleben5 waondering about my wthdrawaslMark T: You are appoved!Micheleben5: Great !!!!!!Mark T: Congratulations!Micheleben5: Thank you so much !!!!Mark T: We will start sending your payment of $1250 in several days         (can take up to 5 business days to arrive after approval)Mark T: And we may put you on our new website as one of Our Big Winners         last month!Micheleben5: Yes you may !!! I will even send a testimonial if wantedMicheleben5: Mark, How will the $$ come?Mark T: Great can you send one...We'd love to post it send to            manager@Betroyalcasino.com Mark T: It will be decided in a day or two probably by check or by MoneyGramMicheleben5: ok and that will be 1250/week untill paid off?               And is moneygram like western union?Mark T: yes MG it the same as WUMicheleben5: So that could be quicker than check??Mark T: absoutlyMicheleben5: oh and 1250/week till paid off?Mark T: yesMicheleben5: Can I check back in a couple of days?Mark T: Sure...and if you wanna play a little let me know we can re-deposit      some of the withdrawal and you can play with it same as cash and even get a         bonus on it! Mark T: So check back in a cuple of days and we should have the method of  payment avilableMicheleben5: I'll let you know. Might hold off on bonuses for a while. Thank   you so much !! You and your casino have made me so happy !!! Have a great              day!!! Tell Kevin I said thank you also !!!Mark T: Thanks, have a great day alsoMicheleben5: byeNow I am really holding my breath !!  
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i like how they are happy to suggest the availability of a redeposit before payout! lol... hold strong Micheleben5, at least till it is all paid and at your terms! WOO-HOO! Good 4 you! WTG!
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It sounds really hopeful!
I think you may actually get it..... You should...you played by the rules!ahtram88
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Soooooo Party at Michele's house???? Tequila please!!!!"
Congratulations my friend, hope u will be saying CACHING! real soon!"
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You know me so well !!! I love Tequila !!!"
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fortune lounge casinos are great. it does take up to two days to cash out, but they do send U.S. people a debit card to withdrawl there money, wish is good for a year. the first time takes longer if you dont get one in advance. but after that no more than two days. You do have to remember to think about the 2.00 fee from the bank. but was able to take my 1000.00 winnings in two withdrawls as the bank only allowed 500.00 at a time. I took the 500.00 and then put the card back in and took out 480.00 more. the 6.00 is still there waiting for the next big win.
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Chatted with Bet Royal today and they said all they needed to know is how I wanted to get paid out, check, Money Gram or Western Union. I chose Money Gram. Now all I have to do is call Friday and get my control from them and I am on my way to Money Gram to get my cashola !!! Hopefully, only one last post from me concerning this, saying I got my $$. I will have to call every week to get a new control if I continue using Money Gram. "
Hang Tight !!
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Myst1111-Tomorrow she is suppose to get her first $1000 payment !Keep your fingers crossed.... an occasional prayer would be good too!ahtram88
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today's nuggetsInetbet 500.00 withdrew at 1AM in QT accout ant 8:30 AM3Dice 1,100.00 withdrew at 11PM last night in Qt account at 1PM
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Here's the latest............ and I should probably post all of this crap I've been dealing with in the Casinos Problems thread !!Bet Royal told me yesterday that I would get control on Sat. This is now a whole week later from my last post. Well I get woken up with a phone call at 6 am this morning, which I didn't answer, from them, telling me I would have the $$ on Wednesday of next week!! I'm sorry for the colorful words ahead....... but what the $@ is wrong with them ?!?!?!? I am so damn sick of them !!!! And I know I was told, so it's my fault for trying to trust them. But still !!! I'm gonna talk to Bet Royal today and tell them that Wed is unacceptable and I want my $$ now and see what they tell me !  <img width="1" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/0052.gif" height="1" alt="0052.gif" />Update..... Chatted with Mark (the new manager) this afternoon and asked him why I was getting the run around? First thing he says is you'll get your tracking on Tuesday. So, no answer on the runaround question. I told him that I better have the number on Tue and then a payment every week after that. Which he said no too. They would be bi-weekly. More to come.................<img width="83" src="http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Micheleben5/0052.gif" height="83" alt="0052.gif" />-- Edited by Micheleben5 at 00:04, 2007-10-28
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Hi everyone Hope I am posting this in the correct place but sorry if not. I realy just wanted to ask if anyone has ever withdrawn from the playtech giant vegas casino and if so how long did they take before paying out Its just that I made a withdrawal request by wire transfer on the 15th this month and I am still waiting although they have all my id documents they had required. Thanx folk Ldcasino
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I have not played there since Playtech pulled out of the USA , but prioir to that it was taking about 5 business days to get to my neteller account. I would say middle of next week or get on the phone with them and ask them details about transfer. You are non-USA , right?
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