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How are you feeling today?


A Mommy Machine
Just thought it would be nice to start a thread to see how everyone is feeling each day. It's a good way to talk about things with fellow NDF'ers...Today I will start it off.I am having a good day, took a mid morning nap. I am all rested up to finish up my chores, and get to some Parent/Teacher conferences later this afternoon. I am a proud mommy, two of my kids are students of the month, and to me that is a big deal. I have faith that the third, in kindergarten, will be as well one day.My kindergartens teacher took the time out to call me and tell me what a great job I am doing as a parent, and that it reflects in my children. That made me feel really good. Makes me feel like I am doing my job right.All of my friends here already know the battle my husband is going through with Multiple Sclerosis, and he was recently diagnosed. He is going to the doctor tomorrow to get some injections, and I hope they bring him some relief.I hope everyone is having a blessed day.
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Hello all: I'm doing well today. Woke up early and refreshed. Two pots of coffee later I was ready for anything. Beautiful day here in Central Michigan. The sun is shining, and it is a beautiful 69 degrees. Have to go out later tonight to the grocery store. I dont know about anyone else, but I have more favorite places than there. People pushing and shoving, stealing your place in line cause you realized you forgot something. ahhh well, it is what it is. hahaThanks for this thread, I enjoy threads like these very much. Until tomorrow: Pam
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Greedy Gambler
That's great MM.....certainly must make you feel great! Hopefully that will hold true all of their school days. I struggle with my 16yr 11th grader everyday!! She doesn't like school all that much. But she WILL graduate if she lives with me I didn't like school much, liked to work much more. I told her to enjoy school...after that the real life begins!! "
Have a great day!
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I think this is a cool thread mommy, and you should be very proud!"
My day has been fairly good, everyone is happy and my 18 year old daughter is here today to visit. She wants to come home, and I think we may let her. She made some very bad decisions in her 9 months of being a grown up, and wants some more training. Makes me feel good to know she wants to come home to get it. She is a foster child and we only had her for a year before she decided she was grown. My 11yr. old is killing me, don't know much about raising girls, but I try hard. My boys are much easier."
I have 6 kids in school and all are honor roll or straight A's. I am also a very proud mommy.


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Hmmm ........ how am I feeling today??? Stick a fork in me because I think I am done! "
This has been one of the most hectic days I have had in a long time and really, nothing is going on but the same old stuff. Don't you just hate days like that?"
But other than that, I am feeling FANTASTIC!!!
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Good Morning:What a busy morning it has been. Errands Errands errands. I should be good for the rest of the daynow getting those things out of the way.I feel good today.  It is beautiful today, and I am with my friends here at NDF.I so look forward to each new day.                                                                                    Pam


A Mommy Machine
I feel TIRED. I didn't get much sleep. The babies are driving me nutso. I gotta clean the carpets today, do 100 loads of laundry and clean the bathrooms...FUN TIMES."
It will get better as the day goes on I am sure."
Hope everyone is having a blessed day..


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I feel ok so far today . "
Actually, I feel GREAT today!! Now you all know that I love this forum but with our new mod, PMM, I can step away for a bit, feeling calm and relaxed!!
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Happy Thursday gang: Woke up to rain and more rain, but thats okay.  We needed it. I feel good today. Slept great, and woke up refreshed and relaxed. Coffee in hand, and NDF to look forward to all day.  Now tell me, what could be better than that?                                                                                    Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I feel like throwing my hands up in the air today, laughing and yelling screw it !! "
I attempted to plan my day for today, last night, and with phone call, a text message and another phone call this morning, my day just got turned upside down. "
So screw it!! I am going to fly my life by the seat of my pants from now on!! "


A Mommy Machine
I am busting my butt around the house today, cleaning baseboards, carpets, kids rooms...ughhhhhh."
I got some writing to do later, and my husband is off today, so he will be helping take care of the kids, which is a relief. My kids have a 1/2 school day today and tomorrow and then they are off for 2 whole weeks "
All in all, I feel good today besides sweating death...and a slight headache..haha"
Hope everyone is having a blessed day :angel:
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Good Morning All:Today is another nice day to spend at NDF with my friends.I slept good, even with both dogs and cats. Happy Friday to all. Wishing everyone an awesome weekend.  I have plans to go to a camp fire tonight, and relax a little with friends.  I enjoy these times, and I know with winter around the corner they are short lived. What are everyones plans for the weekend?                                                                                      Pam
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Happy Saturday everyone!!!Did you ever have a night where you went to bed but you wake up feeling like you never went to bed?  That is how I feel this morning. Just like I never closed my eyes for more than 5 minutes. Better keep the coffee pot on alot longer today than usual. Regardless, it is going to be another great day here at the forum.  I just love waking up and jumping on my computer to read all the new posts. Wishing everyone a terrific Saturday.                                                                                   Pam
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Greedy Gambler
Happy Saturday. Just got back from work, so feel great. Made some money Hubby had to work today and my daughter is at her friends...so very quite here. Love it! Get Cobain, my grandson this afternoon. So, what a wonderful day. A bit chilly here in MN this am, had to break down and turn the the furnace....
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OH Nooooo, not the furnace already. lol  I refuse to turn mine on till October.  So if I get cold, I am gonna have to go with the layered look.   Turtle necks, heavy pants, and two pairs of socks in the house. Heat bills are the worst arent they?  Have a great day krystalkitty.                                                                      Pam
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
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I feel a little chilly this morning. It's a cool 74 degrees outside and with a pair of shorts on, I got a little chill. LOL Ask me at noon what the temp is. Gonna be 102 again today for the high. "
Other than extreme temperature differences, I am feeling just fine on the Saturday."
No plans for the weekend which is nice. That means I have it all to myself!
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I feel a little chilly this morning. It's a cool 74 degrees outside and with a pair of shorts on, I got a little chill. LOL Ask me at noon what the temp is. Gonna be 102 again today for the high. "
Other than extreme temperature differences, I am feeling just fine on this Saturday."
No plans for the weekend which is nice. That means I have it all to myself! :slap:
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No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
I feel a little chilly this morning. It's a cool 74 degrees outside and with a pair of shorts on, I got a little chill. LOL Ask me at noon what the temp is. Gonna be 102 again today for the high. Other than extreme temperature differences, I am feeling just fine on this Saturday.No plans for the weekend which is nice. That means I have it all to myself!
-- Edited by Mben on Saturday 18th of September 2010 09:07:56 AM
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A Mommy Machine
I had a goooood night...until I tried to go to sleep, and I just couldn't. I have a couple things on my mind lately..sighhhhhhhhh, plus I woke up at 7PM from a nap and drank a buttload of coffee...so that might of had something to do with it "
I look forward to hanging out here for a while today, and taking it easy. No crazy cleaning today, just maybe a load of laundry or two."
Hope everyone is having blessed day...
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I just love this time of year up here in the North.I have just a little bit of a hangover but nothing a pot of coffee and another beer can't cure. Gonna be a beautiful 70 and sunny today in Cleveland with lots and lots of College Football to bet on today.Have a great day NDF!!Tony
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Madame of the Slots
Honestly, I am having a rough time right now. I am in the process, at 30 years old, of moving back in with mom and dad, in order to save as much money as possible. The exciting thing? Next school year, I'll be teaching in South France for a year. However, I hope the sacrifices are worth it. Here's to losing my freedom, self-esteem, and pride for the next 9 months!"
The biggest sacrifice? I have to give away my 8 month old kitten. I am really, really, sad. Not only can I not take him with me to France, I have also developed bad allergies to him; to the point where I wake up in the night and have trouble breathing. "
So, thanks for asking about my day, NDF, and while this isn't a horrible situation, it is one that is causing a lot of stress and heartache, as I am moving in a week and a half. I hope everyone else has a good weekend.


Good Morning everyone:A beautiful day here in Michigan although a little chilly to start. Likely will do some yard work today if I can tear myself away from NDF long enough to get anything accomplished. Feeling good today. Tonight is the Land Casino for me, and I always look forward to that. Oh yes, will likely watch the LIONS play today and hope they win.  I usually end up falling asleep during a football game on TV, so a Sunday nap is always high on my list. Sundays are meant to rest and relax, here is hoping eveyone has a wonderful Sunday.                                                                                                    Pam
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Good morning everyone. It is sunny and beautiful and the temp is already 73 before 9, but that is progress, it has been being 85-90 bu this time. I am in a surprisingly good mood this morning, despite my chore or honey do list! LOL! I have been up since 4am with my 9yr old, River, who also wanted to sleep with mommy last night. It is nice when they decide to slow down long enough to let us back in for a glimpse every now and then. River is autistic and has always been a daddy's boy for the most part. As long as mommy is close by! LOL "
I think I am doing really well considering my 40th birthday is next week and I am gonna spend it driving to Tampa for the looong awaited surgery for my hubby. The surgery has at least kept me too busy to stress too much over the 40th birthday!!!"
Well, kids are waking up, time to start the day. God bless, and good luck in all you do today!"


A Mommy Machine
Awwww SK, I hope everything works out for you hun, and good luck with your teaching gig.Today I feel good! I woke up early, got a gigantic cup of coffee, smoked my morning cigarette outside in the nice cool air . It's nice and cool to me, it's in the 80's and round these parts, that is almost jacket wearing temps.I don't have any plans today, I will be online for a while, I really need to get these articles done, and some cleaning of course. My kids are going to sunday school, so there will be a couple of quiet hours, just me and the babies.Nicky and Nicky Jr. both have a cold, so let's hope nobody else gets one. I can take care of sick kids, but if I get sick, look out! I am a huge baby when I get sick My head doesn't hurt yet today, and lately that is a good sign. I hope everyone has a blessed day
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Greedy Gambler
In one word TIRED...Been up and down all nite with Cobain! Time for a nap as I work from 4-close tonight...Vikes play at noon, so hopefully everyone will be full by the time I get there...Shoo Shoo go home Then I can close at 8pm....Aint' I nice....
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Madame of the Slots
Does anyone else here feel like, sometimes, that their friends and old lovers and family are moving on with their lives, while yours is just sitting there, waiting for something to happen? That's how I am feeling today."


No Deposit Forum Administrator
Staff member
skfalqt314 wrote: Does anyone else here feel like, sometimes, that their friends and old lovers and family are moving on with their lives, while yours is just sitting there, waiting for something to happen ? That's how I am feeling today.
That is exactly how I am feeling today. And wish I could elaborate but some things are best kept to yourself at times. (so no spilling of the beans here lol) But skf, if you want to talk about it, I'm here for ya! You're moving to France for a year! That is definitely something fun and exciting that is gonna happen for you and who knows, a handsome Frenchman possibly???? OOH-LA-LA, Parlez-vous Français?  Other than that, I am just fine on this football Sunday. Gotta go get fish sticks and tater tots for the guys. I hope everyone has a great day today!!!  
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these last couple of months i have been feeling really bad its like a never ending cycle .I used to enjoy playing the freerolls,depositing ,chating with my forum friends and looking for freebies.Now i just try to make it thru the day praying for minimum pain.I stop in everday to see what every1s up 2 and praying all is well with my old buddies.I love you guys please keep me in your prayers


No Deposit Forum Administrator
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Awwww cat!! I am so sorry you have not been feeling that great lately. For the pain to take over like that and not even let you play, it must be some pretty bad pain."
I hope you get the comfort you need somehow. Medication, prayers, anything that will help you."
I miss you on the forum and will pray you start feeling better soon my friend.
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A Mommy Machine
Awww cat I am so sorry you aren't feeling well, I miss seeing you on here, and I hope things get better for you fast. You are such a good person, and you deserve the best."
You are in my prayers
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